Panda Jump Seasons
Wednesday, Oct 19, 2016, 6:50 am
By:James Fraser
Panda Jump is a vertical running/jumping game. You need to jump higher and higher up to escape to safety from attacking angry birds, fire foxes, evil monkeys, giant Kongs, etc. Panda Jump Seasons is one of the few panda games that have spectacular graphics. This game has many obstacles in the form of animals, birds, rocks, etc. Panda Jump Seasons never let you feel bored at any level in the game. However, one may find this game monotonous because they just have to swipe left and right all the time to dodge threats. Also, this game appears a lot like the popular jumping game, Ninjump.
Game: Panda Jump Seasons
Price: Free to Install and Play, Optional In-app Purchases
Downloads: 1 Million to 5 Million
Reviews: 41,000+
Average Rating: 4.1
This Post Belongs To 12 Best Panda Games For IOS And Android

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