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15 People Who Said The Wrong Thing At The Wrong Time

Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 5:53 pm

We put ourselves in many embarrassing situations. We create awkward situations, or sometimes we unknowingly get stuck with them. Of all the awkward situations we may run into, those we create by saying something wrong at the wrong time are the most embarrassing ones. Sometimes things really go out of our control, and we let a terrible verbal mistake happen. Here are fifteen people who said something wrong at the wrong time, as told by them.
13.This Horribly Embarrassing Situation

I was standing in Lowe's, looking at wood, when I reached over and smacked my husband on the arm and jokingly said, "That's some nice wood, huh?" Turned out my husband was standing about 10 feet away, and a STRANGER, who was wearing a similarly colored jacket was standing next to me with his mouth wide open.

How many times something like this has happened to you? I'm sure plenty of times, You go somewhere with your friend or partner and accidentally grab someone's hand and instantly regret it and walk away!!

This Horribly Embarrassing Situation-15 People Who Said The Wrong Thing At The Wrong Time

14.I'd Like a Large C*ck

I tried to order a "large Coke" and a "large pop" at the same time and ended up saying "I'd like a large cock."
Unless you really love large cocks, don't say this ever! Okay jokes apart, Our mind loves mixing up words sometimes or maybe it gets so confused at times with structurally similar words that it gets you in some really embarrassing situations like this person.

I'd Like a Large C*ck-15 People Who Said The Wrong Thing At The Wrong Time

15.This is a Bag… Just a Bag

One time the cashier was having a hard time trying to open one of the plastic bags. She made a groan, and I meant to say, "Ugh, yeah, those bags can be tricky sometimes," but I had a brain fart and all that came out was, "This is bag."

This is a Bag… Just a Bag-15 People Who Said The Wrong Thing At The Wrong Time

Trust me it happens more often than you think, We eat up certain words sometimes.
All these awkward moments can happen to any of us. Even you must have some awkward moments during foreplay or at your work or even while shopping, Can any of them beat this list? If so then do share them with us in the comments section on our page.

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