15 Awesome Flowers That Don't Look Like Flowers At All
Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 6:19 am
By:James Fraser
Our planet is so huge and diverse that even our technology can't help us explore it completely. Be it animals, birds, insects, trees, fruits or flowers; what we know and what we have seen is not even 1% of what's out there in the nature. Here are fifteen images of flowers that hardly look like flowers! These flowers resemble animals, birds and even humans!
1.Monkey Face Orchid
At first instance, Many people will not believe that this flower exists. This monkey orchid is 100% real, and you can find them in mountain areas of Central America and North America. The scientific name of these flowers is Dracula Simia. These flowers blossom throughout the year. These flowers live in those mountain places which are 2000 feet above the sea level. If you think these flowers are cute, we have a bonus for you! These flowers smell like ripe oranges!

2.Moth Orchid
Does this flower look like it trapped a bird inside it? No, this isn't any bird eating flower! This flower is called moth orchid. The scientific name of this flower is Phalaenopsis. These flowers are native to Asian continent. You can find these orchids mostly in China. These flowers are very popular in horticulture trade.

3.Naked Man Orchid
Orchis Italica, commonly known as naked man orchid, is a flower that resembles a naked man. This flower is native to Mediterranean countries. The specialty of these flowers is that they look like human males. These flowers aren't rare, as you can find everywhere in Mediterranean countries like Albania, Algeria, Cyprus, Greece and Italy.

4.Dancing Girls Flowers
Impatiens Bequaertii is a rare flower species you will only find in rainforests of East Africa. Theses flowers look outrageously cute! They blossom only once in a year. These flowers are very hard to spot. They look incredibly cute, right? We all hope to have one such plant in our garden. Unfortunately, you can't even find this flower even if you travel all the way to Africa.

5.Laughing Bumble Bee Orchid
Ophrys, commonly known as bee orchids are a rare and cute species of flowers native to Middle East and North African countries. These flowers look so much like bumblebees. Do you know how these flower trees pollinate? Male bees are attracted to these flowers. They try to have sex with these flowers thinking they are female bees. The real bees carry seeds to other trees, which will result in pollination.

6.Swaddled Babies Orchid
Some of you might find these flowers too creepy to be real, but they do exist. Anguloa Uniflora, commonly known as swaddled babies orchids are native to Andes Region in Colombia. These flowers were discovered in 17th century by two botanists named Hipólito Ruiz López and José Antonio Pavón Jiménez.

7.Parrot Flowers
No, they aren't parrots! These beautiful looking flowers are called parrot flowers, which are mostly found in Southeast Asian countries like India, Burma and Thailand. These flowers are popular in Thailand. In Thailand these flowers are called "Dork Nok Khaew" which translates to "Parrot Bird Flower".

8.Snap Dragon Seed Pod
Antirrhinum, commonly known as dragon flowers or snapdragons are a species of flowers we see in many people's gardens throughout the world. These flowers are native to rocky areas of Europe. Snapdragons look beautiful when they bloom, but they will turn into creepy skulls once they are dead. These flowers are popular because of their striking resemblance to human skulls.

9.Flying Duck Orchid
Caleana Major, popularly known as flying duck, is an orchid flower native Australia. This flower looks like a flying duck. This flower is popular in Australia. Australian Post has even featured this amazing flower on one of their stamps. These flying duck orchid plants are too difficult to cultivate, as they flower only once in a year or two.

10.Dove Orchid
This flower is simply beautiful and amazing! It really looks like a baby dove is resting inside this flower. This flower has got many names like dove orchid, Flower of the Holy Spirit etc. The scientific name of this flower is Peristeria Elata. You can find these beautiful flowers mostly in Central American countries. This flower is also the national flower of Panama. Dove Orchids are now at risk of extinction.

11.Ballerina Orchids
As the name suggests, these Ballerina Orchid Flowers look like a dancing girl. The scientific name of these flowers is Caladenia Melanema. Ballerina Orchids are native to Australian continent. Environmental organizations listed this flower as critically endangered flower species. These flowers are too beautiful, and we hope they never go extinct.

12.Hooker's Lips Flowers
Psychotria Elata, or commonly known as Hooker's Lips, is a flowering plant species that is usually found in tropical forests. This flower too is at risk of extinction. These flowers have striking red colored glossy petals that resemble human lips with lipstick on. These amazing flowers are really cute, and we guess most of us love to have one in our gardens!

13.Darth Vader Orchid
Does this flower look like Darth Vader's face? Yes, it does! Aristolochia, or simply called as Darth Vader orchid is found mainly in European countries and in some Asian countries like China. In China, this flower is known for its medicinal values. These flowers have many names like birthwort, pipevine, Dutchman's pipe etc.

14.Fly Orchid
This is another interesting looking flower that is very hard to spot unless you live in Europe. This flower has a striking resemblance to a flying insect. This plant attracts bugs and insects with its insect like flowers. The attracted bugs and insects help the plant pollinate by spreading seeds.

15.Tiger Face Orchid
Do you see tiger face in middle of this flower? This too is a rare kind of orchid flower that is mostly found in European, Middle East and Central American countries. This flower looks like a tiger that has two wings and a tail. It's an interesting orchid flower. We hope we can see flowers like this at least in local botanical garden!

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