15 People Confess The Scariest Thing Happened To Them
Monday, Aug 31, 2020, 4:51 pm
By:James Fraser
So, what's the scariest thing happened to you? Before you strain your mind, and try to dig all the bad things happened to you, read the stories of these fifteen people who revealed the scariest thing happened to them. Life's mysterious. We don’t know what happens to us in the very next minute. Life's a mix of good and bad experiences. No one can escape those bad moments. We all have them. You must consider yourself lucky if you don't have a story as scary as these fifteen people.
13.The Bees Attack!
When I was 9, my mates and I got attacked by a swarm of bees, they stung the hell out of all of us as we ran the three blocks to get home and then stayed around outside the house for hours. It's like being attacked by an angry cloud! Two of my mates had to get taken to hospital.

14.Jeez, That Was Damn Scary
Girl I had been sleeping with texts me "hey, so you might want to get yourself tested for HIV." Proceed to freak the fuck out, she won't return all 57 of my calls. Finally get her on the phone and ask her if she had HIV. She says no but that she's been feeling sick lately and was worried she may have caught it from me. Glad I found out early on she was insane but could have done without the heart attack.

15.Natural Calamities are Hard to Deal with
Survived an F5 tornado, one of the largest ones in the last 50 years, i was 14 at the time. holy shit if anything could make you shit yourself that's it, sounds like a fuckin train rolling through, shits flying around and shit, getting pelted with random debris and walking out after its all over to see that you have no home, but hey i survived that's all that counts.

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