12 Celebrities Who Looked Ugly When They Were Kids
Friday, Aug 28, 2020, 7:58 am
Tony Williams
Can you even imagine a nerdy, unattractive, and less popular kid becoming a wealthy celebrity?! These 12 celebrities may look very charming today, but they unquestionably looked ugly when they were little. Check the childhood pictures of these top celebrities, and we bet you will think the same too! These celebs looked unattractive enough to get bullied by other children in their school. These celebrities unbelievable transformation from ugly kids to being a good looking and beautiful people is no less than a miracle! Check the pictures below.
#8 Russell Brand
Who would expect a chubby and rather unattractive kid to become a hot celebrity and marry a top pop star like Katy Perry? Russell's childhood photo looks like one of those hilarious yearbook photos. He had a very troubled childhood. His mother was diagnosed with uterine and breast cancer when he was eight years old. Russell had to live with his relatives for years while his mother received cancer treatment. He suffered from many psychological disorders during his early teen years including bulimia and drug addiction. He gained a lot of weight because of the eating disorder. We must say that he fought many battles to become what he is today.


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