12 Celebrities Who Stuttered When They Were Kids
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, 7:52 am
Tony Williams
Although many researchers loosely link stutter to genetics, no one clearly knows how and why the speech impediment affects some humans. Stammering is mostly observed in children. However, most kids grow out of the condition by the time they hit puberty, thanks to the vocal exercises and modern medical facilities. Hey, did you know some of the iconic Hollywood stars stuttered when they were kids? Fortunately, they all have cured their stutter, mostly on their own. What's fascinating is that some of them even ended up being top singers and vocal artists! Know the names of 12 celebrities who stuttered in their childhood.
#1 Julia Roberts
As her parents were actors and playwrights, Most would assume that Julia Robert's amazing acting skills came naturally. No, they didn't come naturally. The $140 Million net worth actress, Julia Roberts had to work a lot to reach the point where she is today. Julia Roberts suffered from a worst case of stutter when she was a kid. She couldn't even speak a couple of words clearly and confidently. Her speech impediment forced her to stay indoors and away from the public. Luckily, she was able to cure her stutter with the help of vocal exercises. As you read before, her brother, Eric Roberts, suffered from the speech disorder too. Did you know Julia Roberts loves her smile so much that she had her smile insured.


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