15 Trashy Things Celebs Have Done Drunk
Sunday, Aug 16, 2020, 10:51 am
By:James Fraser
Can you quickly name a few celebrities who do not booze? You can't, because there are very few celebrities who do not drink. Partying culture is rampant in the celebrity community. Imagine you are an average Hollywood star. You are rich and look good. You achieved a lot in your life. Wealthy and attractive people always surround you. What else can you think of doing other than making more money and partying all the time?! Now we hope you understand why our celebs love partying so much! Nothing beats alcohol when it comes to social equality! It does not matter if you are a celebrity or a minimum wage worker; booze affects everyone, in the same way, encouraging people to do stupid things. Check 15 trashy things our drunk celebs have done!
1.Matthew McConaughey Got Arrested For Playing Bongo Drums
In October 1999, Texas Police arrested Mathew McConaughey when they received a complaint from one of his neighbors, stating that the star's house was too noisy. When the police arrived at the McConaughey's home in Austin, Texas, they were shocked to see him playing bongo drums naked! The police found out that Mathew McConaughey was drunk and smoking pot! They arrested him on the charges of illegal drug possession and for being too noisy. The police dropped the drug possession charges but fined him $50 for violating Austin's noise ordinance. The following picture shows the mugshot of Mathew McConaughey. His mugshot looks much better than the mugshots of these 12 top celebrities, though!
2.Shia LaBeouf Was Seen Chasing a Homeless Man
In 2014, Shia LaBeouf made news for wrong reasons, after he was seen chasing a homeless man through Times Square. According to LaBeouf, the homeless man with whom he was talking got startled after a paparazzi tried to take pictures of them. He said he chased him to calm him down. Anyway, the ruckus Shia LaBeouf made on the day got him arrested.


3.Kiefer Sutherland Was Seen Partying at a Gay Bar
Kiefer Sutherland, the famous British-born Canadian actor, has a reputation of being a heavy drinker. He was photographed while partying in a Gay bar in California, with his pants down!

4.Heavily Drunk James Brown Appeared in a TV Interview
In 1988, popular American singer and song writer James Brown appeared drunk in a TV interview. He was seen answering questions in a bizarre way!

5.Reese Witherspoon Got into an Argument with a Cop
In 2013, drunken Reese Witherspoon got arrested after getting into an argument with a cop after her husband was pulled over. She was charged with disorderly conduct. She was heard asking questions like 'Do you know my name?' She also threatened the officer saying, "You're about to find out who I am…you're about to be on national news."

6.Drunken David Hasselhoff Ate A Cheeseburger Lying On The Floor
David Hasselhoff, also known as 'The Hoff,' did something very crazy while he was drunk. In 2007, his daughter recorded a video of him eating a cheeseburger lying on the floor, in a hotel room, in Las Vegas. The 'Knight Rider' star was heavily drunk, and in the video, he was seen struggling a lot to eat the cheeseburger! Check the video below. After watching it, you will agree that you have never seen anyone eating a burger like that before! We may find his burger eating video a little disgusting, but that was not at all gross when you compare the incident with these 15 terrible things drunk people have done!

7.Mariah Carey Gave A Drunken Speech At 2010 Palm Springs Film Festival
In 2010 Palm Springs Film Festival, drunk Mariah Carey with a net worth of $520 Million gave a rambling speech of acceptance as the jury named her 'Breakthrough Actress' for her performance in 'Precious'. She started her speech saying, "I have to say... this is... and please forgive me because I'm a little bit, um... yeah!" Everyone including the 'Precious' director Lee Daniels was confused for a couple of minutes with Mariah Carey's weird behavior, but they quickly realized that she was under the alcohol influence. She gave a short speech. She concluded the speech saying, "I thank you all for listening to my little spiel, and, um, God bless you."

8.Paula Abdul and Her Drunken Interviews
American Idol Judge Paula Abdul has a reputation of appearing to interviews in a drunken state. She was hilarious and completely got wasted while giving an interview to Fox News a few years ago.

9.Drunken Anna Nicole Smith Gave a Speech at 2004 American Music Awards
Anna Nicole Smith attended 2004 American Music Awards drunk. She even delivered a speech. She asked the audience if they liked her body!

10.Michelle Rodriguez Involved in a Hit-and-Run Case
Famous American actress Michelle Rodriguez has been arrested a few times in the past for driving under the influence. She was involved in a hit-and-run incident. She was sentenced to six months in jail. She only spent 18 days and was released under a special program that let authorities to release nonviolent female inmates to reduce jail overcrowding.

11.Mel Gibson Caught by Cops While Driving Under the Influence
While partying at a beach side bar in Malibu, actor Mel Gibson was pulled over by cops and charged with DUI. This act of drunk-driving got him three years of probation and community service.

12.Demi Lovato Got Drunk And Threw Up In Car
The American Singer and songwriter said she once got drunk at 9 AM while going to an airport. She said she threw up in the car and regretted immediately for drinking alone, and at an inappropriate time. She also admitted to doing cocaine in airplane bathrooms.

See More: Beautiful Demi Lovato's Feet
13.Jennifer Lawrence Got Drunk And Puked All Over The Porch At A Party
Jennifer Lawrence attended a party thrown by Madonna and popular celebrity manager Guy Oseary at latter's residence, shortly after the Oscars event. She got really drunk and puked all over Guy Oseary's porch. "I was in such bad condition," Jennifer said. "I look behind me while I'm puking, and Miley Cyrus is there like, 'Get it together.'"

See More: Hottest Jennifer Lawrence Feet Pics
14.Drunken Jake T. Austin Hit Three Parked Cars
The 21-year-old actor who rose to fame with his role in Disney's 'Wizards of Waverly Place' hit three parked cars while driving under the influence. He reportedly threw vodka bottle out of his Audi car's window and fled the scene. Cops could not prove he was drunk when the accident happened, so he escaped formal charges.


15.Justin Bieber Mixed Booze, Pot, and Drugs altogether
Justin Bieber was arrested for resisting an arrest when cops caught him drinking alcohol, doing drugs and smoking pot - while on drag racing in his Lamborghini through the Miami Beach!!!

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