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Celebrities Who Were Born Rich

Thursday, Aug 20, 2020, 8:49 am

1.Adam Levine

Adam is not exactly poor himself, but he comes from a rich family thanks to his father who was actually the founder of M. Fredric the retail outlet. Of course he was never going to be struggling for cash due to his parents, but he has done well to forge his own career.

2.Mark Ronson

Well known DJ Mark Ronson is the nephew of one of the richest men on the planet, a British guy called Gerald Ronson. He is a property developer, among other things, and it has meant that Mark has never been short of anything.

3.Carly Simon

Carly of famed song 'You're so Vain' never battled financially. Her dad was already a well known publisher as he founded Simon & Schuster.

4.Robin Thicke

Both of Robin's parents were already famed in Hollywood. You might remember his dad Alan Thicke in the popular 'Growing Pains'? Is it any surprise that he then worked his way into the world of entertainment?

5.Lindsey Buckingham

Of course Lindsey is famous for being in Fleetwood Mac, but he was already born with a silver spoon in his mouth thanks to his father who owns a large coffee plant. This meant his life got off to a good start and he was never short of a caffeine fix.

6.Paris Hilton

The name says it all, Paris was already mega rich before she was born. However, she is not one to leech off her parents. The young socialite has always tried to make her own living and name as famous or infamous in its own right.

7.Glenn Close

Glenn comes from a long line of wealthy family members. Her granddad was a well known stock-broker and her dad a very well known doctor who attended to equally as well known people.


8.Julia Dreyfus

It helps when your dad is a billionaire. Julia Dreyfus has enjoyed a pretty lucrative career herself, but was already a billionaire when she was born.

9.Lars Ulrich

Lars hails from a very talented family and they are certainly not short of bucks. His father is a famed tennis player. Lars is well known for being the ace drummer for Metallica.


10.Mike Posner

Mike's dad is a lawyer, which is always pretty handy to have in a family. He attended Duke University, which is well known to only deal with the well heeled.

11.Lady GaGa

GaGa can afford to dress in meat dresses and be all nutty since she was already rich and was never relying on a pay check. Her dad is a wi-fi installer for big hotels and she lived a rather posh life to start off with in New York's upper West Side

12.Angelina Jolie

Angelina one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood has never had to bite the bullet nor rake around in rubbish bins for lunch. Born to rich father John Voight this Queen of Hollywood has always been a little princess.


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