12 Celebrity Cousins You Probably Didn't Know About
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, 6:34 am
Tony Williams
The celebrity community is vast and diverse. We often see many members belonging to the same family tree becoming top singers, musicians or actors. What many of us don't know is that many Hollywood stars are related to other top Tinseltown icons. Some of these stars are our favorite musicians, artists, and actors. We love them and admire their work. However, when we realize the fact that two top Hollywood stars are cousins, our view on them changes entirely! Check the famous relatives of Lady Gaga, George Clooney, Tom Cruise, Nicholas Cages and eight other top celebrities!
#2 Whitney Houston & Dionne Warwick
Whitney Houston and Dion Warwick are first cousins. Their mothers are sisters, Emily and Lee Drinkard. Both Whitney and Dion went on to have very successful singing careers, but unfortunately we lost Whitney in February of 2012. The seventy three year old Warwick has had her share of troubles, going bankrupt in in March of 2013.

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