12 Celebrities You Didn't Know Had A Twin Sibling
Monday, Aug 17, 2020, 8:51 am
Tony Williams
Can you quickly name a few celebrity twins? Mary Kate - Ashely Olsen, Benji Madden - Joel Madden, Tia - Tamera and there are a bunch of them who are qualified to be called celebrity twins. We aren't talking about them, though! What you are about to see now are the pictures of the celebrities who are posing with their lesser known twins! They were born and raised together. They shared many things during their childhood. However, when they grew up, only one of them managed to strike gold in the entertainment industry! Know more about the celebs and their twins.
#10 Linda Hamilton
The "Terminator" star Linda Hamilton has an identical twin sister called Leslie who keeps herself out of the spotlight most of the times. Linda also has an older sister and a younger brother. Back in those "Terminator" days, when she was at the peak of her acting career playing Sarah Connor role, she would surprise people by attending movie premieres and other events with her twin sister! The two sisters look identical, and what's surprising is that both their names start with the letter L! The former wife of James Cameron, Linda Hamilton, says she had a pretty boring childhood despite having three siblings!


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