12 Disgusting Celebrity Habits You Probably Don't Know About
Monday, Aug 24, 2020, 6:49 am
We love our celebs, don't we? We kind of see them like they are really special people on the earth! Oh man, the concept of fame really bothers us. Everyone is a human, but only some humans are considered very special. Well, we love our stars so much that sometimes we forget that they are humans as well. They eat what we eat. They do what we do. They are pretty much like us when they are at their home!
Now, this means they do a lot of things that an ordinary person does, including stupid or nasty things. Yes, they are famous, and they are rich, but that doesn't stop them from doing nasty things. Of course, they do those things privately, and we hardly know anything unless the stars themselves reveal them.
Most people on the planet have some kind of disgusting habits related to hygiene, eating or lifestyle habits. Celebs have them too. From wearing unwashed underwear to use bird poop on face, here are 12 disgusting and utterly gross habits our celebrities have. Well, these aren't any rumors or made-up stories. The stars themselves admitted to having these habits on popular talk shows. You know what kind of questions our talk show hosts ask! Don't you?
7.Demi Moore-Blood suckers
Demi Moore is known for many things. First and foremost it's her acting ability. Who can forget the amazing performances she pulled off in 'A Few Good Men' and G.I. Jane"? She is also known for her high profile relationships. Moore has dated both Bruce Willis (The father of her children) and Ashton Kutcher. One thing that is not so well known about Moore is that she uses blood sucking leeches to keep her skin fresh! According to Moore the leeches are used as a skin detox therapy. Hey I guess it's not that bad when you consider what normal celebrity detox therapy consist of.

8.Terri Hatcher-Wine Bath
Terri Hatcher has been a household name in the world of acting for the better part of two decades now. Hatcher is probably best known for starring in the hit TV show 'Desperate Housewives' opposite Eva Longoria. One thing I bet you didn't know is that Terri Bathes in Red Wine! That's right she takes a bath in wine, drinking wine. The beautiful starlet says that the antioxidants in the wine exfoliate the skin. When I think of bathing in red wine I think it would be what a Cornish game Hen feels like being roasted.

9.Victoria Beckham-Nightingale droppings
I'm going to cut right to the chase with this one. Yes you've read the headline right. Victoria Beckham, David Beckham's wife, Posh Spice used Nightingale droppings on her face. Let that sink in for a moment. Posh Spice uses bird poop on her face. Sometimes these celebrity trends and habits are hard to understand. Then probably would not stay in a room that has anything less than stellar grade A Oxygen pumped through the vents, but they put bird poop on their face? According to sources Posh picked up the tip from Tom Cruise. That explains it.

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