12 Famous Hugh Hefner Hookups Ever
Sunday, Aug 23, 2020, 11:24 am
Tony Williams
Hugh Hefner may be a 90-year-old man, but he's more sexually active than many of you younger guys who are reading this topic. At an age where an average old man struggles to stand up and walk, Hefner not only stands up but also makes things stand up and work for his pleasure! The original "Playboy" reportedly had sex with more than a thousand gorgeous women. Although his former girlfriends complain about his inability to have coitus and call him a "serial wanker," we all still need to agree to the fact that he gets more women than any other top Hollywood celebrity ever has. We take this opportunity to present you with the details of 12 famous Hugh Hefner hookups. He's like a great-great-grandfather to some of the girls when in regards to age! Some of the hottest pornstars were once his playmate.
#6 Hugh Hefner And Kimberly Conrad
Kimberly Conrad stole Hugh Hefner's heart and then broke it into a million tiny pieces. The twosome married in 1989 and would go on to have two children together. They separated after nine years of marriage, but remained married for the sake of their children. Hefner later on revealed that Conrad was not faithful and that is what led to their breakup. Conrad and Hefner finalized their divorce in 2010.


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