12 Famous Transgender Celebrities You Probably Never Heard About
Monday, Aug 24, 2020, 7:29 am
By:James Fraser
Transgenderism is a psychological state or physical condition in which an individual rejects his assigned sex and embrace the one they prefer. The term transgenderism has become an umbrella word lately, but it is a lot different from expressions like transsexual, transvestite, trans-man, and trans-woman, etc. A transgender person is someone who dresses, behaves, and lives their life like a person of the opposite gender, whereas a transsexual goes under the knife to alter their physical appearance and restructure sexual organs. Being one of the four groups of LGBT community, transgender people represent the many walks of life. Have a look at 12 of the most famous transgender celebrities from around the world.
7.Alexis Arquette
Formerly known as Robert Arquette, Alexis Arquette was an American transsexual actress, a cabaret dancer, and an LGBT rights activist. She was known for playing important roles in popular 90s movies such as Pulp Fiction and Bride of Chucky. Starting from 2004, Alexis went through hormonal replacement therapy in a bid to change her gender identity. A couple of years later, she had sex reassessment surgery and became a woman. Alexis died in November 2016 due to cardiac arrest. She was an HIV patient for nearly 30 years. Alexis caused quite a bit of stir a couple of years ago when she said she had sex with Jared Leto.

8.Candis Cayne
Thanks to the recently concluded United States President elections, trans-woman Candis Cayne had dominated news when she expressed her support to the Democratic Party Presidential Candidate, Hillary Clinton. The 45-year-old actress, performance artist, and drag queen started transitioning into a woman in 1996. Since then, she has been acting in many movies and TV shows. She became popular in the United States in 2007 when she portrayed Carmelita Rainer, a recurring transgender character on ABC TV series, Dirty Sexy Money. She is now a part of Caitlyn Jenner's documentary series, I am Cait.

9.Fallon Fox
Fallon Fox, born Boyd Burton, is the first African American transgender woman in the MMA history. Born in Toledo, Ohio, Fallon Fox had troubles accepting her assigned gender during her early childhood. However, she spent much of her childhood as well as teen years as a typical male. She married a girl and had a daughter with her. Fallon Fox had even worked for US Navy for some years before becoming a transgender woman. In 2006, Fallon Fox traveled to Bangkok and had sex reassessment surgery, breast implants, and hair implant surgery. To let you know, Fallon Fox brutally injured her female opponent a couple of years back, raising concerns over allowing trans-women combat real women.

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