15 Architecture Fails
Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 10:56 pm
By:James Fraser
Professionals like architects can’t afford to make mistakes, as their mistakes can prove costly. What if they do make mistakes? Below are fifteen images that show how architects failed at their job. These images will make us wonder what is in the minds of these architects when they are doing stuff like this.
13.Thanks Architect, Very Useful
Do you remember ‘the floor is lava’ game we used to play when we are kids? It looks like ‘the floor is lava’ even here in this picture, so the architect built an awesome bridge on it. Seriously, this is one of those beautiful yet totally useless pieces of construction we ever get to see. What could be the purpose of having this walkway between two pools?


14.Knock Knock, Anybody Home?
Guest: Knock, knock, anybody home?
Resident: “Yes. I will jump out to see you in couple of minutes”
Guest: “I will wait here. Try not to land on my head.”
What do you call this architect for coming up with an insane door idea? Seriously, how would anyone use that door?

15.Go Home Window, You are Drunk
We guess it’s the architect who was drunk. The window looks a little wonky. Nevertheless, a fail is a fail even if the window still works. Let us conclude our series of architect failures with this awkwardly positioned window.


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