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15 Hilarious Responses From Grammar Nazis

Monday, Aug 17, 2020, 5:29 pm

Be careful on what you are writing as texts or social media status messages. Every time you write a mistake, you are actually irritating or offending a grammar expert/nazi! Some people don't judge others based on their race or religion, but based on their spelling, punctuation, sentence structure and overall grammar! We call them grammar experts/nazis! Here are fifteen times they were found busy correcting others.
10.You're vs. Your Confusion

The number of people who mess up using the words 'your' and 'you're' is damn too high!
Your: The word 'your' describes something that is in your possession E.g. your pen, your glasses, your phone number etc.
You are (or) You're: This describes something about you. E.g. you are a good person, you are a programmer, you are beautiful etc.

You're vs. Your Confusion-15 Hilarious Responses From Grammar Nazis

11.Yet Another Grammar Nazi in Action

Do you like grammar nazis? They aren't that bad, but some of them act like stubborn kids. We have yet another funny conversation here. After reading texts from all these grammar nazis, we somehow feel two grammar nazis make a better couple. They keep praising themselves for using correct grammar all the times. As you know, appreciating each other is one of the many things that keep relationship alive and growing!

Yet Another Grammar Nazi in Action-15 Hilarious Responses From Grammar Nazis

12.This Person Who is Trying to Correct Mom

Until now, we only saw grammar nazis correcting their friends or strangers. We have someone here who is trying to correct his or her mom. The mom here sounds like she is a senior member of 'You're vs. Your Confusion Club'! Let's hope she was corrected by her son or daughter later.

This Person Who is Trying to Correct Mom-15 Hilarious Responses From Grammar Nazis

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