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15 People Confess The Dumbest Ways They Have Hurt Themselves

Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 9:26 pm

No matter which way it comes, an injury is always a terrible thing. The pain, regret and lots of 'ifs and buts', etc. are too difficult to deal with. Despite taking greater care of ourselves, sometimes these injuries are just inevitable. We also see people getting hurt for stupid or silly reasons, blame it on their bad luck or stupidity but such injuries are hilarious sometimes. Here are fifteen dumbest ways people hurt themselves, as shared by them. The stories will surely make you laugh hard!
4.And The Kitchen Accident

I once dropped my fork. When I bent down to pick it up I cut my arm on the steak knife in my other hand. I cut myself so badly that I had a lovely nurse asking why I'd tried to kill myself, and she was determined to not take "I didn't" for an answer.

And The Kitchen Accident-15 People Confess The Dumbest Ways They Have Hurt Themselves

5.The Person Who Didn't Learn from His Mistakes!

I drove a staple into my finger by opening a stapler up and squeezing it when I was about 8, so it went into the inside of my right middle finger (into the fleshy bit, easy enough to pull it back out, just hurt a lot)
Doesn't sound that stupid?
I did it again. Yesterday. I'm 26, and I'm in charge of people.

The Person Who Didn't Learn from His Mistakes!-15 People Confess The Dumbest Ways They Have Hurt Themselves

6.And the Not So Bright Family

ER doctor here. I took care of a 5 year old girl recently. She had done a front flip at home landing on her face. Her parents heard a thud and came running. They found her standing up and smiling. They asked her what happened, and while proudly describing what she did, she reenacted the event, this time breaking her nose and suffering a cheek laceration requiring seven stitches.

And the Not So Bright Family-15 People Confess The Dumbest Ways They Have Hurt Themselves

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