15 Times Parents Showed Their Inner Child
Monday, Aug 17, 2020, 7:35 pm
By:James Fraser
Parents are the best part of your life. At times, they may annoy you by telling all the right things and rules and restrictions for your safety, but there is always a cooler side of them many of us don't know. Here are fifteen times parents showed how funny they are. These parents are funny, sarcastic and insanely cool. They make us think why can't we all have parents like them. Check them now, and don't forget to share this list with your parents.
1.Playing with Hair Extensions
Dads are funny, Aren't they? This dad probably made the best use of a hair extension. He looks hilarious.

2.Pretending to be in New York
3.This Dad and His Friends Who are Still Young by Heart
4.Dad Trying Music Therapy on a Cat
It doesn't feel good when your pet cat or dog becomes sick. The dad was doing what he can do to make the kitty happy!

5.Creative and Funny Parents
Don't we feel happy when our parents are doing hilarious things? At the end of the day, it shows us how happy and relaxed they are!

6.Spoofing Son's Facebook Profile Pic
7.Bigger and Sexy!!!
It's always challenging to deal with overly manly dads! At least, the dad has got some good sense of humor.

8.Funny Parents at it Again
You got to have parents like these. Funny, frank and don't really mind being casual, throwing an insult or two!

9.He Doesn't Look Happy at All
Oh, what a waste of money! Look at the expression on that kid's face. He wasn't amused at all. Troll parents everywhere.

10.Museum of what?
That's some seriously wicked sense of humor! There are always two types of parents in this world. The strict ones and the cool ones like this.

11.Selfie in the Mail
That's one good way to troll and surprise your kids at the same time. Reminds me of the time when there was no smartphone or internet.

12.Troll Dad
13.Strongest Sperm
This is the one of the best dad jokes we have seen in the recent times. Out of a million sperm cells, it's you who managed to stick to your mom's uterus and fertilize her egg!

14.Birth Control Blanket
15.Parents with Great Sense of Humor
It is all fun - as long as the murderer on the loose doesn't visit their home!
Parents being cool or poking fun at their children is a sign of their happiness and confidence (in most cases). You will find your parents cool as well, but only when you make them happy or support them like a good son or daughter.

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