15 Disney Subliminal Messages That Will Blow You Away
Sunday, Aug 16, 2020, 11:28 am
Tony Williams
Disney is inarguably the best children's entertainment company ever. Millions of kids have grown up watching Disney movies and TV shows. We all loved Disney when we were kids, but do you know Disney is notorious for sneaking in sexual jokes, innuendos, and subliminal messages in their content? The Children's entertainment giant says it never adulterates kids cartoons, but the following pictures and videos say otherwise. We were too young to understand those hidden messages then, but now it's time to check them! Take a look at 15 Disney subliminal messages that shouldn't have appeared in children's cartoons in first place. Mark our words; they are very, very, shocking!
#13 Hunchback And Notre Dame Subliminal Message
In one of the scenes in the movie, a fire flame is shown in a way that it depicts the breasts of Esmeralda. It does look like a female figure set in flames, but remember there is absolutely no chance of spotting it while watching the movie. One has to pause the scene to see it. If you are convinced that the flame looks like a female figure, at least one person in the movie's animation team should have got the idea too. Remember, they create every character and scene from the scratch.

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