15 Disney Subliminal Messages That Will Blow You Away
Sunday, Aug 16, 2020, 11:28 am
Tony Williams
Disney is inarguably the best children's entertainment company ever. Millions of kids have grown up watching Disney movies and TV shows. We all loved Disney when we were kids, but do you know Disney is notorious for sneaking in sexual jokes, innuendos, and subliminal messages in their content? The Children's entertainment giant says it never adulterates kids cartoons, but the following pictures and videos say otherwise. We were too young to understand those hidden messages then, but now it's time to check them! Take a look at 15 Disney subliminal messages that shouldn't have appeared in children's cartoons in first place. Mark our words; they are very, very, shocking!
#10 Mickey Mouse Subliminal Message
The posts you are reading on the topic are mostly conspiracy theories conceived by over-enthusiastic people. There is always an element of doubt linked to them. However, this Minnie and Mickey Mouse picture looks too convincing to debunk any possible conspiracy theory! The absurd Minnie Mouse dress instantly grabs your attention, as it looks very much like a penis than an actual outfit. Mickey Mouse does look like he has his hand on a giant blue penis! It clearly looks like a work of perverted artist!

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