12 Funniest Wedding Last Name Combinations Ever
Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 8:42 am
Tony Williams
Many families in the United States follow the tradition of announcing a wedding or engagement in newspapers. Although the internet nearly killed the practice, we continue to see such announcements in local newspapers even to this day. Generally, a wedding announcement starts with the combination of the last names of bride and groom; something like Wentz-Miller. Sometimes, such last name combos sound extremely hilarious. Have a look at 12 funniest wedding last name combinations that send you straight into an uncontrollable fit of laughter!
#6 Crap Beer
Neither of these two had all that great of a last name, but Emily definitely had it much worse. With a name like Crapp, she probably felt like that most of her school years, while her future husband probably enjoyed having a last name associated with football and man caves.

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