12 Funniest Wedding Last Name Combinations Ever
Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 8:42 am
Tony Williams
Many families in the United States follow the tradition of announcing a wedding or engagement in newspapers. Although the internet nearly killed the practice, we continue to see such announcements in local newspapers even to this day. Generally, a wedding announcement starts with the combination of the last names of bride and groom; something like Wentz-Miller. Sometimes, such last name combos sound extremely hilarious. Have a look at 12 funniest wedding last name combinations that send you straight into an uncontrollable fit of laughter!
#3 Filler Quick
Separately Ms. Filler and Mr. Quick had not so unusual last names, but put the two names together and you've got Quick Filler, or Filler Quick. The latter is hilarious and something that would not be a great choice as a hyphenated name. They look like a happy couple that are oblivious to their namesakes.

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