12 Funny Kelso Burn Memes That Will Make You Lol
Sunday, Aug 23, 2020, 12:10 pm
By:James Fraser
Hey, do you enjoy watching stupid people getting burned? If so, you have just arrived at the right place! Prepare yourself to see some of the best Kelso Burn memes, and witness dumb people getting owned mercilessly. There exist a lot of burn memes on the internet, and one of them uses a photograph of "That '70s Show" character, Michael Kelso, portrayed by Ashton Kutcher. What you are about to see now are only those Michael Kelso Burn memes. If you don't want to delay things any further, just scroll down the page to start seeing the memes!
10.That Unfortunate Situation!
If someone works at McDonald's despite having a good education, perhaps they lack personal, professional, and communication skills needed to get a high-paying job. Remember, McDonald's doesn't hire everyone who sends them a job application! Like any other business, they only hire the people that they think are employable. Sans education, a person can still get a job based on his skills and previous work experience. Despite having an exceptional academic background, one may never get a job if they are unemployable.

11.That's A Hilarious Comeback!
Moral? If there's something important to discuss, talk about it openly and clearly! Didn't get the joke? "A little birdie told me" is an English expression that people use when they need to confront others over a contentious thing, without revealing how they came to know about it. As we are talking about drugs here, let's remind you once again that don't try drugs not even for once. They ruin careers, relationships, lives, and ultimately erase an individual off Earth.

12.When Demi Lovato Got Burned By An X Factor Contestant
This incident happened in 2012 when Demi Lovato criticized a contestant for his terrible performance. As you can read from the picture, he came back up with a gem, calling Demi Lovato an Autotune singer, reminding her that she wasn't a great singer to judge him! Britney Spears quickly put an end to the discussion by sending him out, but that old guy definitely caught Demi Lovato off guard! Watch the funny clip on YouTube! By the way, Demi Lovato is a good singer, and interestingly, Britney Spears is the one who is known for being an Autotune singer!

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