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15 Dirty Would You Rather Questions To Ask At A Party

Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 6:01 pm

"Would you rather" is an exciting and interactive conversational game usually played at parties or social gatherings. As you may know, the objective of this game is to put the respondent in a dilemma by making them answer a question that has either two good or two bad options. Would you rather have the ability to fly or power to become invisible? A question like this confuses an average person, as it is indeed a tough choice to make. Now try to answer this question. Would you rather sleep with your partner's best friend or your best friend's partner? Mind you; one can't say NO to a "Would you rather" question! Do you want to read more such questions? Go ahead and read these 15 funniest "Would you rather" questions then.
1.A Hard Would You Rather Question

Would you rather use eye drops made of vinegar or toilet paper made from sandpaper? 
The next time when you hang out with friends, make them play a "Would you rather" game and ask them this painful yet hilarious question! Folks, what would be your answer if someone asked you this question? What do you think would be less painful? If we were you, we would go with that sandpaper thing. Come on; it's better to scratch your butt with sandpaper than putting vinegar in eyes. Why always exfoliate face? Sometimes, your butt (butthole to be precise) needs that too!

A Hard Would You Rather Question-15 Dirty Would You Rather Questions To Ask At A Party

2.Funny Would You Rather Question

Would you rather have sex with a goat or have everyone think that you had sex with a goat even though you didn't? 
It's a funny question, no doubt. However, avoid asking this question at family gatherings. [You don't say?] Well, well, well, we know you don't ask such bawdy questions when there are kids around, but we still needed to say that because the number of stupid people living in the world right now is too damn high! Anyway, let's come back to this question quickly. What is your answer? Wait, what? Are you are questioning us back? Poof! The writer just disappeared! For god's sake, guys, an ideal answer to this question should be the second option.

Funny Would You Rather Question-15 Dirty Would You Rather Questions To Ask At A Party

3.Sexual Would You Rather Question

Would you rather pay or get paid every time you have sex? 
Well, this is another funny "Would you rather" question. Would you be someone who pays for sex or an escort who makes money f*cking people? Both types have a bad reputation in society, which is what makes this question super tough to answer! Save this question somewhere and make one of your friends respond to this. As you know, escorts or prostitutes (irrespective of their gender) are often labeled as immoral people whereas society always shames Johns (men who pay for sex).  

Sexual Would You Rather Question-15 Dirty Would You Rather Questions To Ask At A Party

4.Hardest Would You Rather Question

Would you rather swallow or spit? 
All the bros in the world who have stuck deep in the friend zone should be asking their crush this question. Let me be your wingman and help you get out of that trap! The next time when you get a chance to meet your love interest, make her play "Would you rather" and ask her few nice would you rather questions in the beginning. Wait for the right moment and drop this bomb of naughty question on her! If she answers, come back and thank us! Even if she doesn't, you still owe us some gratitude because we helped you escape the friend zone!  

Hardest Would You Rather Question-15 Dirty Would You Rather Questions To Ask At A Party

5.Crazy Would You Rather Question

Would you rather have finger-sized nipples or nipple-sized fingers? 
Um, this is a tough question. Hey, hey, this question applies to both guys and girls. Now tell us; would you rather have giant nipples or tiny fingers? We guess you should go with finger-sized nipples. Well, we would pick that as well if we were you. Fingers are necessary, aren't they? We need them to eat pizza, browse the internet, and lots of other things! Long nipples suck (no pun intended!), but not as much as not having fingers.

Crazy Would You Rather Question-15 Dirty Would You Rather Questions To Ask At A Party

6.A Genuinely Tough Question For Many

Would you rather be wealthy and ugly, or poor and good-looking? 
Do you really think it is a tough question? Seriously? Hey, don't even think about living a miserable life when you have an opportunity to become a wealthy person! Let's tell you a simple life hack. Be rich, go to a plastic surgeon, and get rid of ugly looks! If you choose to be poor and good-looking, you may never get an opportunity to make a lot of money. Does that make sense? Good looks, my dear friend, wither one day! Now, let's have a moment of silence for all our brothers and sisters who are ugly and poor like me. That sucks real bad.

A Genuinely Tough Question For Many-15 Dirty Would You Rather Questions To Ask At A Party

7.Nasty Would You Rather Question

Would you rather eat chocolate-flavored shit or shit-flavored chocolate? 
We know this question sounds very disgusting, but do you have any idea why we still put it here? We did this to prepare you well for a possible "Would you rather" game in the near future! Do you think your friends are going to ask you very simple questions? Something like, "Do you like eating a pizza or a lizard?" Nah, they will surely trouble you with stupid and offensive questions! Anyway, what's your answer to this question? Give it a thought; this question is a real brainbuster!  

Nasty Would You Rather Question-15 Dirty Would You Rather Questions To Ask At A Party


8.It's Time To Insult Your Male Friends

Would You Rather Have a 2-Inch Penis or Man-Boobs? 
Girls, did your remember reading that spit or swallow question a few minutes ago? We admit that some sisters may find that question unpleasant, so what we are going to do now is give all girls a chance to make fun of their male friends with this question! Ask them would they rather have a 2-inch penis or man-boobs and have a lovely time seeing hilarious reactions on their face! We have to say that this is one of the most difficult decisions a man has to make! To conclude this, yes, a guy can easily get rid of those ugly man-boobs.

It's Time To Insult Your Male Friends-15 Dirty Would You Rather Questions To Ask At A Party

9.A Question For Nerds

Would you rather be present at the beginning of life on Earth or the end?
This question keeps nerds busy for hours. It is a great question to discuss, though. Tell us; what do you want to experience? Do you hope to travel back in time to know what happened back then or wish to see future and witness the downfall of the planet? If you think traveling to future to see the end of the world is a bad idea, we are sorry to disappoint you, but traveling back in time is equally dangerous! Bugs back then used to be so large that they could maul people to death!

A Question For Nerds-15 Dirty Would You Rather Questions To Ask At A Party


10.Toughest Would You Rather Question

Would you rather have AIDS and live for 20 years or cancer and die in 10 years? 
This is a legitimately tough question, and you need to think a lot before choosing one. Both the disease are terrible. HIV AIDS kills a person slowly over a period of 20 years approximately. It isn't curable. Cancer, on the other hand, has so many treatment options but the chances of surviving it are usually less. Coming back to the question, there is no point of survival here. One has to pick cancer or AIDS as a way to die, and people who choose AIDS over cancer has ten additional years to live. What do you think is the ideal answer to this question? 

Toughest Would You Rather Question-15 Dirty Would You Rather Questions To Ask At A Party

11.This Scary Question On Death

Would you rather sit in a big microwave oven and burn yourself to death or sit in a refrigerator until you die? 
A weird question, we must say, but this one helps you to find out who in your friends' group are smart and know about science and stuff! The ideal answer should be killing oneself in a life-sized microwave oven. The death is going to be very painful, but it is a lot quicker than dying of hypothermia. Let's not forget the frostbite the butt gets while seated in a refrigerator!

This Scary Question On Death-15 Dirty Would You Rather Questions To Ask At A Party


12.Gross Would You Rather Question

Would you rather pee in your bed every night or drool every time you talk to people?
This question is not very hard to answer, isn't it? Or, is it? Most people would prefer peeing in their bed to drooling. Oh yes, it sucks, but at least it's manageable and won't affect their professional or social life. Well, we all must thank heavens for not giving us problems like those! Sadly, some people suffer from such terrible conditions. Hey, be thankful for being healthy! Thousands of sick people pray to God for good health, and here, we cry for useless reasons. 

Gross Would You Rather Question-15 Dirty Would You Rather Questions To Ask At A Party

13.What'll Be Your Choice?

Would you rather shit bricks or puke slugs?  
Puking slugs seems to be a good idea! It sucks, but at least it's not going to hurt you badly. Hey, have you watched Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets? Do you remember that scene where Ron Weasley accidentally curses himself and starts throwing up slugs? Yuck! It's not a pretty sight, but as we said before, puking slugs is much better than getting your rear ripped by those bricks! What do you think?

What'll Be Your Choice?-15 Dirty Would You Rather Questions To Ask At A Party

14.A Good Would You Rather Question

Would you rather be three feet shorter or three feet taller? 
Unless someone is a dwarf or abnormally tall, they can't find this question answerable! Folks, you have to choose one option between being a very short person and a tall person. If you opt to be three feet taller, your height will be somewhere between 8 feet and 9 feet. It seems to be a much better idea to be taller than becoming a dwarf. On a positive side, being an abnormally short or tall person can help gain popularity or set up some world records! 

A Good Would You Rather Question-15 Dirty Would You Rather Questions To Ask At A Party

15.A Disgusting Would You Rather Question

Would you rather live the rest of your life with a terrible cold or have a booger hanging from your nose permanently? 
Most people, we guess, would prefer living with a cold than having a booger hanging from their nose! That's the kind of world we live in right now. Just look at the pressure on an average human being to appear perfect! We agree that it feels terrible to communicate with someone who constantly has nasal sh*t hanging from their nose. But then again, one doesn't really need to suffer for years just to look like an average person. Hey, questions like these help you know more about personalities of your friends and family members. So, are you ready to ask some of these crazy questions to your buddies next time you meet them? Then, Go out there and have fun!

A Disgusting Would You Rather Question-15 Dirty Would You Rather Questions To Ask At A Party


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