15 Hilarious Facebook Drunk Posts
Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 4:33 pm
By:James Fraser
Alcohol and Facebook don't go well together. When you are drunk, you can't stop yourself from posting nonsense on Facebook. There's a deep connection between alcohol and Facebook. It's hard to control that urge to post something on Facebook when you are drunk. Here are fifteen hilarious drunk posts on Facebook that force you not to post a single word on Facebook when you are drunk.
4.This Hypocrite
This picture shows you two different Facebook posts by same user. He said, "Why do ppl automatically think that im hung over when I say I have a headache -_-." The next morning he uploaded the pictures of drinks he had last night. Now we understand why people always think he is hung over whenever he says he has a headache!

5.This Post Which Got This Teen Arrested
This guy from Oregon was arrested by police a couple of years ago after he posted this on his Facebook. Two of his Facebook buddies complained to police when they saw this post. Police investigated and arrested him on the basis his failure to perform the duties of a driver. He wasn't booked under drunk driving because of insufficient evidence.

6.Way to Go
We hope more and more people enjoy their drinks like her. There was no drama, no nonsense and no nuisance. She said she was enjoying her drink and pizza, while watching 30 Rock. She was way better than many people, who drink less but puke more and act worst. Whatever, even she couldn't stop herself from posting a drunk status!

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