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15 Weird Things That Rest Of The World Finds Odd About USA

Monday, Aug 24, 2020, 4:51 pm

Americans(US) are different. They are cool. However, as a non-American, you may find them weird. They speak fast and loud. Yet they are probably the friendliest people on the Earth. If you visit America for the first time, there is an ocean of interesting things that will surprise you. Here are fifteen things about US that rest of the world finds weird.
4.Prescription Drug Advertisements

You see very less advertising of prescription drugs in other countries. In US, Prescription drug makers advertise their products to influence people asking for them, when they meet their doctors. The situation is different in other countries. It's the doctor who decides what drug to prescribe, not the other way around.

Prescription Drug Advertisements-15 Weird Things That Rest Of The World Finds Odd About USA

5.American Grammar / Slang Words

English (UK) people or people from countries that use UK grammar find American grammar weird. A cookie in US is actually a biscuit in UK. What Americans call gas is actually petrol for rest of the world. International visitors struggle to get some slang words used by Americans. As an American, if you keep telling 'Oh, really!' to your international friends, they may think that you are questioning them back!

American Grammar / Slang Words-15 Weird Things That Rest Of The World Finds Odd About USA

6.Public Toilets Design

International visitors to USA complain of poor privacy in public rest rooms. They think public toilets in America have unusually large gaps between doors and door frames. In most countries, public toilets are completely closed. People from those countries are quite used to that level of privacy.

Public Toilets Design-15 Weird Things That Rest Of The World Finds Odd About USA

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