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15 Things You Use Daily That Are Actually Dirtier Than Your Toilet Seat

Friday, Aug 28, 2020, 10:14 pm

Would it not be shocking to you if we were to say that there are many things in your home that have more germs than a toilet seat? Yes! Toilet seats sure are dirty, but let us quickly show you 15 unexpected things that are more or equally filthy.
13.House Floor

The floor in your house too is dirtier than your toilet seat, no matter how clean it looks. This is the reason why most of us don’t eat the food that has fallen on the ground.

House Floor-15 Things You Use Daily That Are Actually Dirtier Than Your Toilet Seat



Why is the handbag dirty? Because it contains many things that were listed here like money and your phone! Not just those, your hands and even the dust outside will make it dirty. And yes, it is dirtier than your toilet seat.

Handbag-15 Things You Use Daily That Are Actually Dirtier Than Your Toilet Seat


15.Elevator Buttons

Can you believe that elevator buttons are 40 times dirtier than your toilet seat. Researchers also found traces of fecal matter on the buttons, which is no wonder.

Elevator Buttons-15 Things You Use Daily That Are Actually Dirtier Than Your Toilet Seat


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