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15 People Share The Worst Job Interview Screw Ups

Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 5:42 pm

You got to toil hard to get a job. The struggle is real if you are a freshRead More (+)
10.This Coding Interview Fail

Interview: Do you know Ruby on Rails?
Me: I love them.
I thought Ruby on Rails was a fucking band.

This Coding Interview Fail-15 People Share The Worst Job Interview Screw Ups

11.This Guy Who Neatly Escaped a Rather Awkward Interview

I thought I was interviewing for an admin assistant job. I walked into a panel of five people who gave me a stack of business requirements, marketing standards and customer surveys and left me for 30 minutes to prepare a presentation. I waited for five minutes and walked right out of the building.

This Guy Who Neatly Escaped a Rather Awkward Interview-15 People Share The Worst Job Interview Screw Ups

12.Reason You Shouldn't Enter Battlefield without a Sword!

I had an interview at a place a few minutes away from my house; it was the second interview, and it was with a regional manager.
After a bit, he asked to see my resume and a letter of reference. I went to my folder and pulled them out to give them to him and had two copies of my reference and zero resumes. I was embarrassed and offered to drive home and get one, but he said that coming back wouldn't be necessary.

Reason You Shouldn't Enter Battlefield without a Sword!-15 People Share The Worst Job Interview Screw Ups

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