15 People Share The Worst Job Interview Screw Ups
Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 5:42 pm
By:James Fraser
You got to toil hard to get a job. The struggle is real if you are a fresh graduate. You need some experience to get a job. You need a job to get some experience. Now, that's an epic and never-ending loop! Interviews are funny. You tell many lies. The interviewer clearly knows your lies. He or she may still hire you. Coming back to the topic, let's check these fifteen funny and awkward interview stories as shared by the people.
13.Bribing the Interviewer
I accidentally attempted to bribe the interviewer with free passes to my step dad's car wash. Honestly, I did not realize the implications of it at that time. I was just trying to be nice.

14.This Dumb Answer
The manager asked,"What do you know about agriculture and farming?" I replied, "Uh, my uncle is a farmer." It was a phone interview and quickly ended after that.

15.He May Have Stayed Unemployed for Some More Time
I had been unemployed for a bit and was a little nervous and was trying to explain to the person interviewing me why I was let go from my previous job. Somehow came around to saying, "You know how female bosses can be, they have something to prove" - to the female interviewer.

We all have screwed up an interview once in our life, Did you screwed your interview something like these people? Share it with us in comments on our page! But if you are thinking to quit your current job then this list of 15 people who quit their jobs in style might give you some ideas.
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