15 Struggles That Will Give You Nostalgia If You Are A 90's Kid
Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 11:16 pm
By:James Fraser
Living in the 90s as a kid gave you a special feeling. It was the starting point of all the great technology we are now enjoying. 90s kids were more like beta testers, who were thrilled by almost every new thing in the market. There was happiness, and there was pain too. Please find following 15 struggles to which every 90s kid can relate.
1.Unofficial ‘No Internet’ Sign
If you are a 90s kid, you will remember this game as well as the pain associated with it. People will only understand how cool this game is only when the internet is disconnected. There are people who played this game continuously for hours a days together when there was no internet. It was a really nice game.

2.When People Spread IE Problems on Screen like Butter on Bread
This is a very familiar sight if you are a 90s kid. Nobody knew what problems Internet Explorer encountered. The only thing people knew about was a scrolling error widow everywhere on the screen which was a ‘design of frustration’. To all those younger folks out there, yes, Internet Explorer used to suck back in those days as well.


3.Making Ringtones Was a Pain
We now live in a world where we can easily attain HD ringtones in a hundred easy ways. Making ringtones was never easy for 90s kids. You either needed to buy them from network carriers at amazingly high costs, or had to record one with your phone’s inbuilt audio recorder. Guess what the quality of the recorded ringtone used to be like? Very bad!


4.When the Internet Needs a Lifetime to Download a File
Seriously, internet speed was the biggest pain a 90s kid ever experienced. Internet speeds in those days used to suck like anything. 90s kids literally used to pray in front of their PCs, hoping that downloads wouldn’t abort at the very last minute. Slower internet speed were a problem, but failed downloads for unknown reasons were a real pain.


5.When a Lead Tip of a Pushup Pencil is Lost
90s kids will understand what this is. A pushup pencil is a kind of a mechanical pencil, which is made from plastic, and uses a series of plastic pencil tips arranged inside a pen like body. If a pencil tip became dull, you had to remove it and place it on the top so the new fresh tips could come out. When a pencil tip was lost, it was probably the end of the story. This isn’t just a pencil, this also doubles as a dart gun to shoot sharp pencil leads at people necks.


6.When Dialup Connection Tests Your Patience
This is one of the most frustrating moments to which a 90s kids can relate. It used to be very annoying and frustrating to see the dial up connection failing to connect again and again. People tried all sorts of things like rebooting their PC or modem or messing with cables before giving up.


7.A Scratched CD
We hardly use CD/DVD as a storage medium these days, but back in those days CDs were used to store everyday files and data like we use our USB sticks now. CD/DVDs are highly infamous for their failures exactly when people need them most. A scratched CD/DVD will not work properly. 90s kids remember those funny efforts to revive them like cleaning them with soap or the famous banana skin hack.


8.This One is a Real Pain in A**
We really wonder if the kids of this generation can even relate to this. At times, cassette players messed things up, causing cassette tape reel to escape. Arranging back reel in order inside a cassette requires serious effort and patience. People used pens or even fingers to revive their most loved tapes.


9.The Pain is Strong with this One too
90s kids will remember this frustrating yet addictive ringtone which was a feature of Nokia phones. This ringtone maker could convert any song into a ringtone, only if you know how to do it. Making ringtones using this required some serious skills.


10.This Part of Prince of Persia DOS game
Even thinking about this game will give gooesbumps to 90s kids. 90s kids never bothered about graphics or frame rates. This Prince of Persia DOS game was one of the very few PC games available in 90s. All those who have played this game will remember how particularly frustrating it was.


11.Making Cobwebs with Dead Spiders Solitaire Game
Spider Solitaire was the second most popular game after 3D Pinball in the event of an internet disconnection. Like Internet Explorer, this game too is famous for its crashes. Check the picture and remind yourself how many times Spider Solitaire crashed while you were playing.


12.Times Where You Have to Introduce Yourself to People on Every Phone Call
You neither know who is calling you nor can guess who will answer your phone call with these 90s rotary dial phones. You have to introduce yourself when you are making phone calls, even if it is your mother as she can’t see your number flashing on it. The real pain is when you have to call your girlfriend, and nobody except God knows who will answer that phone call.


13.Searching for Your Favorite CD Was a Big Task too
How do you search for your music or videos? Just enter a few words in your electronic or storage device, and you will find it. 90s kids have to do a humongous manual search to find the CD or DVD they are looking for. 90s kids will remember all those CD/DVD albums, trays and plastic cylinders.


14.Using a PC Requires Some Serious Coding Skills
You need to write a command even to find out the date or perform your favorite ‘cut and paste’ function. For the greater part of the 90s GUI (Graphic User Interface) was missing on computers. If you had to use a computer, you literally needed to write codes on a blank screen with nothing more than a blinking cursor.


15.When this Ball Goes Missing
No, don’t check. Your mouse will not have this. Only 90s kids remember what this thing is all about, and how screwed it would be if this mouse ball was lost.


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