15 Things You've Been Doing Wrong Your Entire Life
Friday, Aug 21, 2020, 4:15 pm
By:James Fraser
We have to accept that we have grown up and spent our lives doing many things wrong. The technology simplified our lives, but we have complicated simplest of things, thus wasting time and efforts. Here are 15 images that show us how we are doing simple things wrong. Are you ready?
4.The Company Wanted You to Eat Tic Tac Like This
People tend to drop tic tacs onto their palms, or directly into their mouths, but that's completely wrong! Tic Tac maker Ferrero (Yes, the one that makes nutella) designed tic tac boxes to send out one tic tac mint out at a time as shown.

5.Using Post-Its Wrong Way
We all have been peeling post-its the wrong way our entire life including myself. They are not meant to be peeled from bottom to top. Instead, it should be pulled along the adhesive line as shown in the image below. When we peel it along the adhesive line, they don't form that sickle-shaped curve and hence stick better and longer on the objects.


6.Wavy Side of Bobby Pin Should Go Inside
Most women and girls use bobby pin in such a way that the wavy side of it shows up. This is actually wrong. The wavy side of the pin should go inside, and flat side should go top. This way the pin holds the hair firmly. We wonder how most women get this thing wrong!

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