15 Pizza Delivery Guys Reveal The Craziest Things They Saw While Out On Delivery
Wednesday, Aug 19, 2020, 4:33 pm
By:James Fraser
Any job that needs you to go out and meet people can be very interesting. Pizza delivery is one such job. There are instances where pizza delivery guys got hundreds of dollars as tips. There are many cases where they got shot by the criminals or psychopaths. If you ever know a pizza delivery guy personally, you might have already heard some crazy stories from them. This topic is for those who don't have a pizza delivery guy as a friend. From truly WTF moments to life-endangering situations, here are fifteen crazy pizza delivery guy stories that are weird, scary and funny!
1.That Was Not the Tip He Was Hoping for
Penis (erect) hanging out of the mail slot with a sticky note on top that said: Money is under the doormat, here's your tip.
Police were involved, and my Manager was actually upset I didn't leave the pizza, and get the money for it.

2.This Incident that Sounds Scary
Delivered to a guy three weeks ago at a hotel. 6 hours later the cops raided his room and shot him.
I fed him his last meal.

3.This Traumatic Experience
I was once delivering a pretty small order (one pizza, two garlic breads) to an apartment block known for being a bit rough around the edges. Once buzzed in, I climbed the stairs to apartment 19, to see the heavy door slightly ajar. Anxious, I nudged to door open to see a small leather couch which smelled like the piss of a 40 year old cat. The whole place smelt, looked and felt a little off. I yelled out a few times to no avail, and decided to take a few small steps into the apartment. After moving about 5 metres I felt a crunch under my shoe. Upon looking down I saw a glass pipe and crushed plastic syringe. Needless to say I noped the fuck out of there and called the police. Once they arrived they found a 16 year old boy and his dad OD'd in another room. The boy was saved. The dad, not so lucky That's the story of how I saved a life and delivered the creepiest pizza of my career.

4.This Guy Who Nearly Got Shot
Small, backwoods town, down by the river... I walk up to the trailer house and knock, guy cracks the door. I say, 'how are you, it'll be 12.50', he says "What are you doing here, I didn't order a god damn pizza" as he begins opening the door revealing the shotgun he's holding. I don't mean to ruin the scary of the story, but after I explained myself and the guy decided I wasn't a cop there to bust his grow operation, he was actually quite nice about pointing me to where the correct house was.

5.That Was One Emotional Story
I don't know if this is considered creepy, but It's something I definitely haven't forgotten 12 years later. Came to a little apartment building, knocked on the door. A woman in her late 20s opens the door, and tells me she's going to get her money. There's about 5 children running around inside and the place is an utter mess. A little boy of about 5 comes up to the door and just stands there staring at me. After a few awkward smiles I say "Hey buddy". He says "Hi... are... are you my daddy?". I'm shocked into silence. The woman peers from around the corner with her wallet out "No fool! That aint yo daddy!" I'm not even the right color to be his daddy. Damn near broke my heart and made me sad.

6.One of the Pizza Delivery Guys' Worst Nightmares
Delivered to a gathering of intoxicated middle aged women in a trailer park. Hardcore cat called me. At first they just gave me a hard time with "What the fuck happened to 30 minutes or less?" (which hasn't been a thing for years). One of them then said, "You ain't gettin' paid, but you are gettin' laid." and finally, my personal favorite, "How yo dick taste?"

7.It Ended Well
My first day, first delivery ever. It was to a motel 6. The guy answered wearing red pumps, a purple and black kitty cat thong, and a pink felt blouse. Told him I liked his purse and walked out with a $20 tip :)

8.Well, That Was Awkward!
Girl answers the door, and yells to her sister, “your boyfriend’s here.” Sister comes running down in her bra and underwear. Gets to the door sees a confused looking pizza guy so she screams and runs away while yelling profanities at her sister.
The sister loses it laughing and gives me $8 tip. Solid deliver 10/10 would deliver again.

9.This Crazy Incident
A half naked woman around 23 year old in a Diaper with a pacifier in her mouth opened the door. Upon seeing me shouts in a baby voice "Daddy, Pizza is here". A naked guy brings in the money. I hand him the pizza, took the money and left.

10.The Lady Who Bares It All!
There is a woman in Stroud, UK, that will answer the door to us with genitals showing. Not a pretty sight and we all hate taking that delivery.

11.It's Never A Great Idea To Chill With Customers!
At the beginning it was not awkward at all. I got to the door. Young guy around my age answers. I was about to hand him his food when he asked if I wanted to come in and smoke a joint with his buddies. I said sure and walked in. Mind you, I didn't have to wear a uniform for this job, so I was just in my regular clothes. We were sitting around smoking and eventually his buddies ask, "how do you know (whatever his name was)?" I said I didn't and I was just there to deliver the food. Everyone just stared at me and I slowly walked out the door.

12.This Scary Prank
Once while delivering pizza on the south side of chicago i had a stop in a paticularly bad area with an order of like 5 pizzas. I walk up 5 flghts of stairs to this horrid housing project and knock on my door. A very large (6'6"+ 300lb)man opens the door to an apartment filled with a dozen gang bangers and smiles and asks me if i'd ever been robbed. I said no and he pulled a gun on me and said you have now, I started to reach for my wallet hoping i'd walk out of this with my life when he pulled the trigger and sprayed me in the face with water and gave me a 20$ tip.

13.And This High-intensity Action Scene
I had to fight a guy off after delivering a pizza. He was very drunk and thought I was a taxi so he kept on trying to get in my car. I literally kicked him out of the passenger side and sped off into the night with the passenger door open until the next hard right.

14.Glad That They Didn't Have To Use The Gun
We had to make a delivery to a really bad part of my city. It was late at night, and the owners gave no fucks about the safety of their employees. My manager asked me, a cook, to go on the delivery with the driver. I say no problem, I'm not going to pass up the opportunity to get paid to sit in a car for a little bit. We get the food, get into the driver's car, and begin to drive. The delivery guy tells me to reach behind my seat and grab the rolled up American flag in the backseat. Turns out inside the flag is a goddamn shotgun. He tells me as serious as he can be that when we get there, if I see him run or start to yell I am to pull the shotgun out of the flag and start shooting. I always thought the guy was crazy, but that proved it to me.
- abloodycookie

15.He May Have Come Too Soon!
I interrupted an orgy once. I guess they thought they had time before I would arrive? When I knocked on the door this cute girl in a robe and socks answers the door while her boyfriend/husband stood naked behind a wall. I looked over to the right and there were two inflatable mattresses and I noticed that under the covers were at least 4 other people hiding. Plus all I could smell as soon as the door opened was sex. They did not tip.

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