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15 Pizza Delivery Guys Reveal The Craziest Things They Saw While Out On Delivery

Wednesday, Aug 19, 2020, 4:33 pm

Any job that needs you to go out and meet people can be very interesting. PizzaRead More (+)
13.And This High-intensity Action Scene

I had to fight a guy off after delivering a pizza. He was very drunk and thought I was a taxi so he kept on trying to get in my car. I literally kicked him out of the passenger side and sped off into the night with the passenger door open until the next hard right.

And This High-intensity Action Scene -15 Pizza Delivery Guys Reveal The Craziest Things They Saw While Out On Delivery

14.Glad That They Didn't Have To Use The Gun

We had to make a delivery to a really bad part of my city. It was late at night, and the owners gave no fucks about the safety of their employees. My manager asked me, a cook, to go on the delivery with the driver. I say no problem, I'm not going to pass up the opportunity to get paid to sit in a car for a little bit. We get the food, get into the driver's car, and begin to drive. The delivery guy tells me to reach behind my seat and grab the rolled up American flag in the backseat. Turns out inside the flag is a goddamn shotgun. He tells me as serious as he can be that when we get there, if I see him run or start to yell I am to pull the shotgun out of the flag and start shooting. I always thought the guy was crazy, but that proved it to me.
- abloodycookie

Glad That They Didn't Have To Use The Gun-15 Pizza Delivery Guys Reveal The Craziest Things They Saw While Out On Delivery

15.He May Have Come Too Soon!

I interrupted an orgy once. I guess they thought they had time before I would arrive? When I knocked on the door this cute girl in a robe and socks answers the door while her boyfriend/husband stood naked behind a wall. I looked over to the right and there were two inflatable mattresses and I noticed that under the covers were at least 4 other people hiding. Plus all I could smell as soon as the door opened was sex. They did not tip.

He May Have Come Too Soon!-15 Pizza Delivery Guys Reveal The Craziest Things They Saw While Out On Delivery

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