DIY Jewelry Ideas
Saturday, Aug 22, 2020, 4:16 pm
1.Pipe necklace
Believe it or not, but this necklace is actually made up of bits of copper pipe from the garage with it being cut into small sections and then threaded onto cord or whatever material you want to use. As you can see it looks quite effective, so that piping may not be as useless as you thought.
2.Button rings
How cool are these rings? All you need is a ring setting, a button, and some imagination and you are good to go in next to no time. As you can see it is easy to get all funky with this type of jewelry and it will certainly add some color to your outfit.
By using different pieces of lace you can produce something that actually does look quite good. This one is also using some gold colored chain just to add some extra weight to it and that is also a good idea, but do remember you need that chain in the middle with the lace wrapped around and tied off at each end.
4.Charm accessories
This type of accessory is very easy to make because you simply need the material to hang the different charms on and the piece is complete. Of course the hardest part is finding the charms that you like the best, so do keep your eyes open because a wonderful piece of jewelry awaits.
5.Friendship necklace
This necklace simply involves you getting brightly colored cord, some silver beads and working on a pattern that you love. It is all added to a wire base that is shaped in advance to form a necklace and then you simply need to add as many things as you want to finish the look.
6.Safety pin bracelet
To make this bracelet all you need to do is to get two hoops, safety pins, and various beads. All that is then required is for you to put the beads on the safety pin, then put the hoops through all of the pins to end up with something that looks like this. It really is very simple to do, but is also extremely effective as you can see.
7.Wire ring
This is very easy to do because all you need is some wire and the ability to bend it into some kind of shape. As you can see twisting it and turning it is all that is needed, but if you want something cooler, then get a cheap gem stone and a ring base, then use the wire to hold the gem in place.
8.Neon rope bracelets
These bracelets are very easy to make as all you need is some of this neon cord and the ability to tie a knot. You can also make the bracelets bigger by replacing the cord with thicker ribbon and wrapping it around a card base, but if you are looking for something funky, then this is perfect.
9.Washer necklace
Yes you too can take the rather humble washer and turn it into something that is actually then quite a nice piece of jewelry. The main thing you need to think about is the pattern that you are going to put onto the washer and as you can see here there are a lot of options. You then just need to attach the thread or ribbon to complete the look.
10.Fork rings
If you have a fork with a fancy design on the handle, then how about twisting it into a ring to then wear? All you need are some pliers and a bit of strength and you can be amazed at how cool this can end up looking. The only limitation you have is in the design of the fork itself.
11.Bobby pin earrings
How cool are these for earrings? All you need are some pins, earring hoops, some craft wire, and nail polish and you are then able to make some cool designs and produce fantastic looking earrings. The best part about this is that as long as you have different colors of nail polish it does mean you can produce all kinds of designs making this a very personal piece of jewelry.
12.Tassle bracelet
This is actually exceptionally easy to make because all that is required are a few tassles and an old chain and you are good to go. All that is required from you is to make the tassles and attach them in the order that you see fit and you have turned something boring into something nice.
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