15 Images That Show The Hidden Reality Of Online Dating
Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 1:20 pm
By:James Fraser
Online dating doesn't work in most cases. There are many reasons why you end up with a wrong person when you choose a mobile app over reality to find a dating partner. In online dating, people often represent themselves in a wrong and unnatural way. You can't tell whether or not the person and their personalities are real. From faking pictures, professions to actual behavior, here are fifteen images that show sad reality of online dating.
4.One More Funny Difference
When someone fills his or her dating profile with only portraits or face-only selfies, it means there is something wrong with him or her.

5.The Dark Side of Online Dating
People keep posting their online dating horror stories like these. Be watchful if you want to avoid any such unfortunate incident happening with you.

6.Beware of Misleading Profile Pictures
We have seen many misleading profile pictures, but this one is hilarious!

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