12 Hottest Anime Girls Of 2017
Saturday, Aug 22, 2020, 11:50 am
By:James Fraser
Dear all anime-loving guys (and girls!), we featured 12 hottest and sexy anime girls on this topic just for you to see and appreciate their beauty! Millions of people around the world, especially men, openly or secretly admire female anime characters. They do that because anime characters often possess the characteristics that an average guy wants to see in a woman - like big boobs, round butt, and oversized eyes, etc. We know you are too excited to see these hot anime girls and let us just show you them before you find this description long and boring! Are you ready for this? Here we go - 12 hottest anime girls of 2017!
10.Housen Ryofu (Ikkitousen)
Ikkitousen is a boring fighting-based Japanese anime series. There's nothing much to talk about the series, but there's this character of the show, Housen Ryofu, who deserves some admiration. With green hair, big breasts, and curvy figure, Housen Ryofu not only impresses us with her beauty but also her fighting skills. She is not the leading character of the show, but she makes sure she treats the viewers right with her skimpy outfits and promiscuous expressions!

11.Suiseiseki (Rozen Maiden)
In the anime series "Rozen Maiden," Suiseiseki is actually a doll, and she's the third doll of Rozen Maiden sisters. However, she speaks, moves, and behaves like a real human being. The anime series is about a bunch of such human-like dolls that compete against each other to win a competition. The winner of the competition will become a real human being and will have the opportunity to meet its creator or enjoy the benefits of being a real woman. Suiseiseki is inarguably the best-looking doll of the series, and her mismatching eyes are too beautiful to ignore!

12.Fujiko Mine (Lupin III)
Fujiko Mine from "Lupin III" is the most badass girl on this topic! She is a burglar, fraudster, and a professional criminal who does anything for money. She is a sharp shooter, martial arts expert, and she can speak dozens of foreign languages. Her looks changed a lot over the years, but her breasts remained untouched. Her name Fujiko Mine translates to "Peaks of Mountain Fuji," and she was named so because of her big boobs!

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