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Most Awesome Couches

Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 12:37 pm


This curvy couch is massive, so clearly you are going to be limited when it comes to where it can go. The good news is that it does come in segments, so you can move it around as you see fit and stop people from sitting with their backs to one another.


Yes well this is the kind of couch where you look at it and wonder what is going on because it is not the usual kind of design that you expect to see. It looks like a giant toothbrush head and you have managed to fall into the middle of it, but is that actually going to be comfortable? Who cares because it looks cool.


Well this couch is amazing because of how easy it is to also use it for storage. The pockets are plentiful and the couch itself is also very comfortable, so if you are limited for space in your home, then this kind of an idea really could be the ideal solution.


This is probably cool and freaky in equal measures because who wants to sit in a coffin when they are still breathing? It is actually quite well done as a couch, but then it is still a coffin!!


At first glance you may wonder how this is going to be comfortable, but in actual fact it does work very well indeed as a couch even though it just looks like tennis balls with tiny legs. It is very easy to just slip into this couch and drift off to sleep, but do watch for rolling off the balls at the end.

6.Block man

If you love the idea of being hugged by a giant orange man, then this is the perfect couch for you. It is certainly quite cool to look at and even though it may not be the most functional of things it is still funky unless you hate the color orange.


This couch is funky, it is bright, it is a bit in your face, and overall it is not going to look too good in a classical setting. However, if you want to be modern and loud can you think of anything better than this one? Surely it is its very own design icon?



Have you seen any other couch that is as cheeky as this one? The faces on the ends are absolutely priceless and your friends and family will always get a good laugh when they see this sitting in your lounge. The only problem is trying to work out how you can get a cow couch to blend in with the rest of the room.


How cool is this couch? It is certainly very different to look at and you have to say that it is also massive or the girl in the picture is very, very small. OK it takes up a lot of floor space, so that limits where it can go, but if you are wanting something a bit different, then this is the couch for you, unless you are a dog lover of course.


10.Space Invaders

If you love this classic arcade game, then this is going to be the perfect couch for you. As you can see it is based on Space Invaders and the design is big, it is chunky, and you probably feel like having a game every single time you sit on this couch.

11.Swimming pool

You have to admit that when it comes to creativity, then there are very few couches that can beat this. Yes it may be a bit strange to look at and in all honesty it will not fit into too many rooms due to how it is styled, but it is still amazing to look at.



When it comes to couches for a man-cave, then are there going to be any better than this beauty? It is stylish, it is cool, it is functional, and considering they come in different colors there is no reason why you cannot find one that is perfect for your color scheme.


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