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People Being Nasty With Statues

Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 10:19 am


Then there are the friendly statues that just look like they could do with a hug. This iron capped statue got one and a kiss as well! Perhaps he had more life and warmth than her husband.

Ah-People Being Nasty With Statues

17.Great Feed Back

Statues bring the worst out in us, here this young lady gets busy with a clown, top off and hair wild. Ah well! Perhaps it is the only bl0w j0b she has ever given where she got such a big smile?

Great Feed Back-People Being Nasty With Statues

18.Lucky Bugger

Statues definitely have more fun than real people? Just you try standing in the park for hours and hours, we doubt this will happen to you. You might sand there for days, weeks, years or even centuries, just like he did!

Lucky Bugger-People Being Nasty With Statues

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