Perfectly Timed Mind Blowing Photos
Tuesday, Aug 18, 2020, 2:31 pm
By:Mike Litzler
7.Angry bulls gone wild..
If you ever visited Spain then you must be knowing what running of the bulls is and might have seen this scenes, but such a scene on a camera? well, that's called a perfect click time. I wish the guy in the pic is fine and recovered though...

8.Blow on my face
Imagine working with a gas cylinder and it blows on your face, want to see how it will look like? then here it is, the guy was opening and was shocked to get the ripples, meanwhile his friend couldn't miss the moment and took the breathtaking snap

9.Bicycle in the pole photobomb
Going on a tour, taking a pic and suddenly a guy rides his bicycle in the pole, bad photobomb isn't it? well, don't worry there is only 1 in million chances of it happening.

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