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15 Saddest Things People Did To Impress Someone

Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 5:01 pm

Everyone, at one point in their life, tries to impress someone else. Be it a girl or a boy, a teacher, an employer, or a customer for your business; we try to impress people. There's nothing wrong with it. However, some people do crazy and insane things just to grab people's attention and impress them. They pretend to be rich. They try to perform crazy daredevil stunts, etc. Read fifteen saddest things people did to impress someone. Sadly, most of the attempts didn't end on a good note.
7.This Silly And Smelly Attempt To Impress A Girl

A friend of mine was telling me about this time he tried to impress a girl in high school. He was raised on the Oregon coast. Supposedly there was an article about a whale carcass that had washed up on the beach, so him and a bunch of classmates (including this girl he thought was pretty cute) decided to go to the beach to see it before the authorities removed it. Well he decided he would jump on top of it to just make himself the center of attention hoping she'd notice. He ran at the carcass and jumped and apparently it had been decaying for a while because he broke through and ended up chest deep in rotting whale. I guess the smell stuck in his hair for days and he ended up throwing away his clothes.

This Silly And Smelly Attempt To Impress A Girl-15 Saddest Things People Did To Impress Someone

8.This Guy Who Was Broke Trying to Impress His Rich Friends!

After high school, one of my good friends went to a diff college than I did. He started hanging out with this group of snobby, spoiled rich kids. He wasn't poor or anything like that, middle class at best. All these kids drive around in Range Rovers and Audi's (probably their parents cars), designer clothing, latest tech gear, etc. Not to feel left out, he began trying to emulate their fancy lifestyle.
How? By ruining his credit & taking out multiple credit cards. Maxed out all of them. Racked up about $90 thousand, had to file for bankruptcy. All this before turning 23.

This Guy Who Was Broke Trying to Impress His Rich Friends!-15 Saddest Things People Did To Impress Someone

9.The Most Embarrassing Way to Impress a Girl

A close friend of mine in high school was not exactly what you would call a "ladies man". He was neck deep in the Friendzone with a chick and was completely clueless about this fact. Well, long story short, one day in a very crowded area of the school, he whips out a ring and asked the Object Of His Affection to marry him("jokingly") in full view of everyone present.....She was so embarrassed You could have cut the awkwardness with a knife. I got chills just standing there and basically everyone from my home town can still recall this epic fail.

The Most Embarrassing Way to Impress a Girl -15 Saddest Things People Did To Impress Someone

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