15 Things You Don't Know About Travers Beynon AKA CandyMan
Monday, Aug 31, 2020, 5:17 am
By:James Fraser
Meet Travers Beynon, an Australian businessman, a former model and football player. He is known for showing off his lavish life on Instagram. He is hated by most, if not all, for many reasons like posting inappropriate pictures or pictures that are of very bad taste. He goes around with nickname CandyMan, and runs an Instagram account with name 'CandyShopMansion'. He is like Hugh Hefner of Australia.
4.One Picture that Shows a Women Being Used in a Pretty Awkward Way
Eating food even in golden plates is too mainstream for this rich guy. So, he always comes up with bizarre ideas like these, and shares them on his Instagram page. This is probably one of the many bizarre reasons why you should be millionaire. You can do whatever you want to do, and still carry on doing what you like irrespective of what people think!

5.Dog Doesn't Seems to be Very Excited About Those Pricey Ornaments
Some of us may think pets live happier in a millionaires' houses. This is not true in most cases. A happy pet is the one that spends most of its time with its owner. Unfortunately, millionaires are too busy to spend quality time with their pets. Pets may get best food, best beds, and best toys to play with, but nothing makes them happier than spending time with their human parents. This facial expression of Beynon's dog tells you the story. And yes, they are golden sneakers!

6.His Way of Chilling out With His Ladies
This guy's mansion is full of ladies. He auditions and hires best looking models and keeps them in his cool mansion, calling them 'goddesses'. Well, they may be called goddesses, but you already know what they do at his mansion. Some say he do all these things to become Hugh Hefner of Australia.

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