15 Movies That Were Planned But Never Finished Filming
Tuesday, Aug 18, 2020, 11:38 am
Making a movie is a very tough task. Hundreds of people belonging to several departments work for months to make a movie that runs for about a couple of hours. Someone need to invest big money, someone need to act, and some other need to plan everything well. If something goes wrong, the project gets delayed, budget creeps up, or the entire movie can get canceled altogether. There were some great movies planned in the past, but they never made it to the theater for various reasons. Check these fifteen movies that were planned, but never released.
1.Remo Williams
The full title for this movie was, 'Remo Williams The Adventure Begins' and the reason why it was called that was due to there being over 140 books involving this Remo Williams character. This meant that they believed they would have a massive franchise on their hands, but in actual fact after it mainly flopped at the box office it was turned into a television series.

2.Lord Of The Rings Cartoon Movie
The Lord of the Rings cartoon was brought out in 1978, but it had a problem. The movie was put into two parts and they would both be released with a gap in between, but after releasing the first one they never finished the second, so if you watch the cartoon there is no real ending as all of the questions would be answered in the second part.

3.The Other Side of the Wind
This Orson Welles movie was apparently 96% complete before the plug was pulled on it due to financial problems. However, some say that it was actually due to the content more than anything else as it was going to be quite a shocking movie for 1972 and they got nervous. No matter the reason, they keep on saying that they will try to revive it and edit it together, but that has not happened so far.

4.Something's Got To Give
Could this be the most famous unfinished movie ever? It was of course going to star Marilyn Monroe, but this was at a time where she was starting on her decline and after she called in sick several times and delayed the filming of it all that happened was that the entire project was cancelled as the money ran out. They of course could not then revive it due to her dying in the same year.

5.Dark Blood
This movie was almost finished filming when River Phoenix died bringing the entire project to a halt. The part that is perhaps most shocking is that the company that made it then sued his mother for him dying due to the money that they had then lost on the making of the movie and this shows what Hollywood thinks of their stars.

6.The Man Who Killed Don Quixote
'The Man Who Killed Don Quixote' is an ambitious unfinished film directed by English director, Terry Gilliam. The movie was based on famous Don Quixote novel, written by iconic Spanish writer Miguel De Cervantes. With $40 million budget, the movie could have been the biggest ever film made in Europe, at par with Hollywood standards. Unfortunately, the project got canceled multiple times in a span of 15 years from 2000 to 2015, as if the project was cursed or something. The obstacles included: 1. a flash flood that washed away camera equipment and changed the entire look and feel of the filming location, thus making the previously filmed scenes unusable (2000) 2. a senior cast member injury that threw him out of the project (2000) 3. cancer diagnosis of lead character John Hurt (2015).

7.Airplane 3
The first two movies were a huge success, so it was only fair that they would look at making a third version in order to milk more money from the public. However, Robert Hayes, who was of course the main star in the movie, decided not to take part as he felt that he would end up being typecast and it would ruin his career.

'The Shadow King' is an animated movie directed by Henry Selick. Selick's previous successful movie 'Coralina' (2009) had helped him to strike a deal with The Walt Disney Company. Disney had come forward to release the film. After reportedly spending $50 million on the project, the media giant backed out of the deal for unknown reasons.

Kaleidoscope was a movie that was originally planned for 1971 and when Hitchcock himself thought it was going to be his darkest movie, then it really does tell you something. The problem was that studio bosses thought it was too dark and the main character was too over the top, so they pulled the plug on it and Kaleidoscope was consigned to the dustbin.

10.Doctor Detroit 2
This was a rather strange comedy with Dan Aykroyd as the star and it is another example of the movie itself boasting about a sequel being planned in advance. However, as with other movies around this time it never happened and it is probably due to them being unhappy about the box office takings for the original version to then decide it simply was not worth the risk.
11.Making the Grade ii
The original Making the Grade movie was finished in 1984 and we were told that there would be a sequel, but almost 30 years later and we are still waiting. They even put it on the movie that there would be another one to follow, so they were clearly planning it and thought it would be easy to make, but alas that was not the case and instead the sequel just sank into oblivion.
12.Who Killed Bambi
As you can probably guess from this image, Who Killed Bambi was going to star the sex Pistols and yes it was a direct rip off of the movies starring the Beatles. They filmed for just over a day before movie bosses actually decided to see what the movie was about and pulled the plug immediately.
13.Uncle Tom's Fairy Tales
This movie was originally going to be the first movie to star Richard Pryor. The sad part was that they did start filming it, but it crashed and burned as his wife complained that he was paying the movie more attention than her and she set fire to some of the film. It was all about a white man on trial for raping a black woman, so it was not exactly a comedy.
14.Hamlet (by Hitchcock)
The combination sounds amazing, right? The last thing any movie lover wants to see is Alfred Hitchcock directing a Shakespeare's legendary literary work. In the late 1940s, Hitchcock wanted to direct a modernized version of 'Hamlet', which according to him would be a psychological melodrama. The project hit the rocks because Hitchcock was threatened to be sued.

Halo is one of the most popular and best-selling video games of all time. We have been hearing about the idea of making a movie based on the game for the past decade or so, but it isn't really happening. In 2005, Peter Jackson (Lord of the Rings and Hobbit Director) announced that he would be executive-producing the movie. He also announced Neill Blomkamp (Neill is District 9 (2009) movie director who was an unknown person at that time) as the movie's director. The film was scheduled to release in 2008. After a few starts and stops, Blomkamp had officially announced that the project was dead.

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