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Best Moments From The Big Bang Theory-The Space Probe Disintegration

Friday, Aug 21, 2020, 5:30 am

Episode 12(The Space Probe Disintegration) from season 8 was aired on 8 January 2015 had some very funny and special moments. My personal favorite was when Leonard and Sheldon started crying all of a sudden. Here are 12 Best moments from The Big Bang Theory-The Space Probe Disintegration episode..

#6 Son Of A Biscuit

Leonard finds out that his phone doesn't have a signal so they can't connect to internet to pass their time while the girls are shopping. Sheldon suggests that there was a time when smartphones were not invented and people still used to pass their time and takes out his phone to look up for a solution to pass their time but realizes there's no signal. 

Son Of A Biscuit-Best Moments From The Big Bang Theory-The Space Probe Disintegration


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