15 Disturbing Facts About Human Body That May Shock You
Friday, Aug 28, 2020, 4:42 pm
Human beings are the most intelligent living beings on Earth. We are beautiful. We are excellent at hygiene. Hey, we can talk about ourselves a lot because there's no other living being on this planet that can speak out to disapprove our claims! Your dog or cat never brushes. Their breath doesn't smell bad. You know it because you hug it and kiss it. Now, don't brush for a couple of days and try to kiss your partner! It will be disgusting. What we are trying to tell is that human body is more disgusting than we think! Here are fifteen disgusting things about human body you probably don't know.
1.You Swallow About One Quart Of Snot A Day
Nose and sinuses make one quart (about 1 liter) of mucus (snot) every day. The mucus keeps the nose lining moist. Mucus also cools down the air before it reaches the lungs. It traps dust and stops it from entering the lungs. It also protects lungs. Can you even imagine eating snot? Ew... no, right? Without knowing it, you swallow about all the snot your body produced for the day! It reaches your throat from the back of the nose, and proceeds to go down into the stomach!

2.You Shed 8 Pounds Of Dead Skin A Year
Skin isn't just a covering. It's actually a body organ. It has its own functions. As you may know, human skin sheds dead cells out. If you collect all the dead skin cells your body shed for one year; it will weigh 8 pounds or 3.6 kilograms. You wouldn't believe, but your dead skin cells comprise a major part of dust at your home!

3.Mouth Is The Most Disgusting Part Of A Human Body
If you think the orifices that send out waste from the body are unhygienic and disgusting, you are wrong. They are way cleaner than mouth! Yes, mouth is the most disgusting part of a human body. 200 species of bacteria live inside your mouth. People who practice good oral care habits still have 100,000 bacteria living on each tooth. People who have a bad oral hygiene have about 1 billion microbes sitting on each tooth!

4.Your Skin and Eyelashes Are Home For Mites
Life on earth is the most mysterious thing ever known to the mankind. We live on this planet. Many living organisms live on us and inside us! Billions of microorganisms live in our bodies; and some mites too! Microscopic mites called Demodex live in your eyelashes, and also skin pores. Most people have these tiny bugs. They are not dangerous in most cases.

5.Your Body Produces 4 Pints Of Saliva A Day
Saliva is 99.5% water. The remaining contains mucus, electrolytes, and anti-bacterial compounds. On average, human salivary glands produce about 2 to 4 pints (1 to 2 liters) of spit a day. So, where is all this spit going? You are swallowing, of course! During your lifetime, you produce enough saliva to fill two average-sized swimming pools!

6.Stinky Tonsil Stones
You may have heard about kidney stones or gallbladder stones, but not tonsil stones. Yes, tonsil stones are a thing, and they affect many people. They are called 'stinky stones' because they cause horrible halitosis (bad breath) in people who have them. The stones grow when bacteria, dead cells, and mucus get trapped in the pockets of tonsils.

7.Your Sneeze Travels Up To 30 Feet Away
A sneeze is a body function that expels dust, irritants or foreign objects from the nasal cavity. Whatever that comes out from a sneeze travels at 100mph speed and lands at 30 feet away. This is why it is important to cover a sneeze, or you will be sending millions of bacteria and viruses out flying!

8.You Fart 14 Times a Day
Every human being farts on an average of 14 times every single day. This is a fact. Farts only make noise when there's too much gas inside. Most farts escape silently, and most of us don't even notice it happening. On average, a human expels 2 to 3 pints of gas a day. Farting is actually healthy for your body if it's under normal levels.

9.There Are Many Types Of Earwax!
Earwax is among those stinky body secretions that we need to deal with on a regular basis. Did you know that there are different types of earwax? Asians and Native Americans have white, dry and flaky earwax that doesn't smell. Caucasians, blacks and pretty much other ethnic groups have wet, brown and stinky earwax!

10.Average Person Sweats 278 Gallons A Year
Some people sweat more, and some sweat less. On average, a human being sweats 278 gallons of sweat a year. Sweat stinks, and we all hate it. However, sweating kicks out toxins and impurities out of your skin, making it look good and healthy. By the way, sweat is just a mixture of water, salts, and sugar etc. It doesn't have any smell on its own. It only smells when it comes into contact with the skin that already has some kind of bacterial growth on it.

11.Your Gastric Juices
They are powerful! They have strength equivalent to that of a battery fluid. In fact, gastric juice or stomach acid can burn through steel, and dissolve a razor blade in just a few days. A powerful stomach lining prevents the acid from eating the gut. When you die, the same acid that digests our food starts eating our own body.

12.Feet Have More Than 500,000 Sweat Glands
They are capable of producing more than a pint of sweat a day. Now you know why feet can be very smelly at times! As we told earlier, sweat doesn't smell on its own. It's just a mixture of salt and sugar in water. Bacteria living on the skin thrive and flourish when there's sweat, causing stinky body odor.

13.Uterus Can Fallout
Uterine Prolapse is a very rear condition where a woman's uterus falls out through her vagina. This happens when pelvic floor muscles and ligaments that hold the uterus in place become weak. Though uterus falling out of vagina is a very rare condition, many women suffer from mild form of Uterine Prolapse.

14.Pregnancy And Pretty Much Everything That's Related To It
Motherhood is really a wonderful thing. Becoming a dad or mom is one of the life's greatest moments. We all agree. However, some people think that pregnancy and everything that's related to it from conceiving to delivering is disgusting. As a woman, you just foster a parasite that mutates your body to suit it!

Sex is the best physical experience in the world. It is disgusting at the same time. No matter how hygienic people are, there's always that element of disgust linked to the sexual organs. The sexual organs have other responsibilities to take care beyond sex and fun. They are also the orifices of filth.

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