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15 Trashy Things Every Drunk Girl Has Done But Wouldn't Admit

Monday, Aug 17, 2020, 4:54 pm

Drinking takes your mind on an adventurous trip that lasts about few hours. ItRead More (+)
7.Cheating on Boyfriend

It may be unintentional, but a good number of girls tend to cheat on their boyfriends when they are under the alcohol influence. Alcohol makes one lose control on their self control.

Cheating on Boyfriend-15 Trashy Things Every Drunk Girl Has Done But Wouldn't Admit

8.Buying Just Everything They Love Online

When you are sober, there are a hundred things that keep you from buying your problems!

Buying Just Everything They Love Online-15 Trashy Things Every Drunk Girl Has Done But Wouldn't Admit

9.Wearing Crazy Dresses

Going out for drinks with friends? Let me put on the craziest dress I ever own! - Sincerely, a girl. Oh yes, time for some fashion experiments!

Wearing Crazy Dresses-15 Trashy Things Every Drunk Girl Has Done But Wouldn't Admit

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