Unbelievable Facebook Stories
Thursday, Aug 20, 2020, 12:44 pm
Facebook is the second largest website in the world with users from almost all parts of the world. Everyday millions of people like, comment and share interesting stories, pictures etc on their profile and Facebook pages. Facebook has created an open free world for everyone but as with anything good; evil and bad things follow along. Here are 13 unbelievable Facebook stories that will definitely make you think twice before you login to your facebook account again.
7.No Smoke Without a Fire
Tigo Arrington wrote this post on his facebook and police took notice. The problem was he was not planning anything at all, but upon further investigations the police did find child pornographic material on his computer and arrested him.

8.Take That You B*ch!
Be careful the next time you delete someone on facebook. Nikki Rasmussen burned down the house of the person who de-friended her on facebook.

9.Facebook Yoville Fan
Betty Sue Higgins loved facebook so much she even played Yoville. During the course of her Yoville visits she spent $166,000 on credits and Yoville coins. This money was not hers though, it was stolen from company funds.

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