15 Guys Reveal The Hints They Didn't Get When A Girl Invited Them In
Saturday, Aug 15, 2020, 4:44 pm
By:James Fraser
Most girls don't tell you to come over and have sex even if that's what they want. They keep dropping hints, and you need to catch them at the right time. 'Chick magnets' are those men who can catch the smallest clues. The oblivious guys don't understand a thing about girl's body language. They only get it when a girl explicitly asks them out for sex. Are you curious to know what kind of signs girls give to guys? Read these stories shared by fifteen men about how they didn't catch the hint and lost an opportunity to get laid!
1.He Missed a Real Big Hint, But That's How Anyone with Common Sense Responds
At the time her abusive ex-bf was banging her roommates. And she could hear them, so I offered to let her sleep at my place whenever he came over. I lent her my bed and she told me that there was a lot of room and I didn't have to sleep on the chair. I was kind of tired then, so I just slept on the bed beside her. She took off her clothes. I thought that was how she normally slept, so I didn't say anything, turned my back towards her and went to sleep. She wasn't there in the morning.

2.This Forever Alone Guy
Incoming text. Approx. 1am. From: Vanessa. "I'm home alone. Come play video games?". I cab down to her place and proceed to destroy her at mario kart. She's not even trying to win! I thought she wanted to play video games?! Eventually, she even admitted it: "Richard, I don't really want to play video games anymore". Oh okay, she must be tired. Time to go home!

3.This Moustache Man
-Had a tremendous moustache last month.
-Girl in my Edu. class tells me as we're leaving, "You know, I've never kissed a guy with a moustache before"
-I say "You know, neither have I."

4.This Man Missed the Big Hint too
During my University years one of my classmates asked me if I wanted to study with her, I said "sure" and she told me to come by her place around 5 so we can study, have some dinner and study some more. Instead, I told her that it would be much easier to study in the library because we will have access to all the resources we may need. After graduation she told me she had a huge crush on me and that she spent a lot of time to build up the courage to invite me over

5.This Guy Who Was too Busy With His Work!
I was in an editing booth with a girl (who is now a runway model) in college. She suddenly bursts out with "I wish I was a slut, because it would be so much fun to fuck in this booth." I just said "Good thing you are not a slut then." and kept working.

6.Elbow? Oh, Well
She ordered an ice-cream cone, 'accidentally' smeared it on her cheek, and asked me to get it off. I grabbed the last napkin and wiped it off. Persistent as ever, she 'accidentally' smears ice-cream on her other cheek and politely informs me that I can get it off with my mouth, given our napkin deficit. I just said, "Nah, I hate strawberry", and used my dry elbows to get it off.
In hindsight, I should have used my shirt.

7.This Guy Who Missed a Threesome Invite!
My first girlfriend was kind of a nympho. Like have-sex-5-times-a-day nympho (I was 17, this wasn't a problem). She asked me one day if it would be OK if she had a girlfriend in addition to me as a boyfriend. I was horrified and told her no. Then, when I found out she was humping a chick on the side, I broke up with her and never spoke to her again.

8.He Sounds Disappointed!
I was seventeen and was babysitting for this smoking hot MILF across the street who was probably 30. The kids were long since asleep when she got home alone. She asked if I'd like to hang out and have a glass of wine, which I declined because I had no fucking idea what was up. Two months later she was clearly banging her 19 year old gardener.

9.Imagine All the Disappointment the Girl Had
This girl and I were alone in my apartment, and we'd just finished watching a movie. She'd had her head resting on my lap the entire time. Afterwards we were spooning on the couch, she cuddled up against me, kissed me on the cheek, and looked up at me expectantly. I stared at her for a few moments and then said, "so... what do you want to do?". After a while I ended up taking her home.

10.How Come Someone Miss This Hint?
I was in a girl's bedroom when she tells me that she is now on birth control so she can have sex anytime. I said" oh, thats nice" (facepalm)

11.Well, This Guy Missed a Hint too
Freshman year of college a bunch of friends and I were hanging out in my room. This girl who liked me sat on my bed and kept trying to wrangle the bed sheet I was sitting on out from under me. I ended up battling her for it. My friends all got the hint and left. Eventually after a lot of pulling and tugging she left.
I went outside to my friend who asked me "So how'd it go?".
To which I said "What the hell was her problem, she kept trying to take my sheet!?"
My friend's reaction was probably the same one you're having right now.

12.Talk About Priorities!
One time, a girl kissed me on a school bus without warning and told me that I could get off at her stop and we could walk to her house because her parents weren't home. I said no because I was going to miss dragonball z.

13.Oh Yes, Give Her Another Blanket!
I once had a cute female in my bed. Said she was cold. So...I gave her another blanket.
Wait, I... oh.
::bangs head on desk::

14.This Underwear Check
On a ski trip, in a cabin in the mountains, girl sticks her hand down my pants for an "underwear check". I'm oblivious and think this is some sort of legitimate procedure. Maybe she is in the underwear business? Nothing happened. I spent most of my early 20s socially retarded.

15.It Was too Late
I left this girls house at like 3 or 4am and on the way to my friends house she called and said "hey, can you come kill this spider for me?" to which I replied, "I'm just as scared of spiders as you are, sorry." When I got to my friend's house I told him the story. He just looked at me and said, "There is no spider, you idiot." of course by then it was too late to return to her place.

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