15 Amusing Facts That Are Actually True
Friday, Aug 28, 2020, 4:06 pm
By:James Fraser
The world may look like it is a small place because of the technological advancements we have today, but it is actually huge. Our planet is 4.5 billion years old, and we have millions of species of animals, birds, reptiles, bugs, etc. living here. We see and use many things in our lives, but most of us don't know how they are made, or how they really work. The reality around us is larger than we can imagine. Here are fifteen interesting facts that almost sound fake, but are actually true.
10.This STD fact
Note that this is a global stat. Many 3rd world countries don't practice safe sex. The problem is not uncommon even in developed countries.

11.This Interesting Body Fact
The inner-lining of the human mouth and vagina is formed of the same type of skin cells. The same 'stratified squamous epithelium' cells are also found in cornea, esophagus and rectum as well.

12.Napoleon Wasn't a Short Guy
Many people see Napoleon as a short guy. He wasn't that short. He was 5 feet 6 inches tall. His height was listed as 5 feet 2 inches at the time of his death. 5 feet 2 inches in French units is equivalent to 5 feet 6 inches in international units.

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