15 People Confess The Weirdest Thing They Have Masturbated To
Sunday, Aug 23, 2020, 11:49 am
By:James Fraser
Masturbation is a private act. Over 90% of the population does it. However, most people don't admit or talk about it openly. Masturbation is nothing but erotic thinking followed by stimulation of sexual organs to reach an orgasm. One can't really masturbate without thinking about someone or something. People masturbate to their crushes, friends, celebrities, colleagues or just about anyone! What if people actually tell those weird fantasies they have masturbated to? Sounds hilarious, right? Well, It is both amusing and creepy. Read fifteen stories of people confessing the weirdest and craziest thing they have masturbated to.
7.Masturbating to Oneself!!
A mirror placed under my naked squatting b-hole....... I was a teenager with no Internet and no imagination.

8.This Weird Fantasy
Rape porn. When I finished, I was disturbed by what it might imply about my personality/psyche, that I get turned on watching rape fantasies.

9.The Most Dramatic Masturbation Ever
I once masturbated through tears as I listened to my wife make love to a stranger over the intercom
She was having sex with this guy and I always found the sound of her excited breathing so very erotic. So... turned on by her breathing and saddened by the fact that our marriage was dying and that she wasn't making love with me, she wasn't breathing that way with me, I masturbated and cried at the same time. I was all over the place.
I eventually got around to removing the intercomm.
We divorced, she remarried and moved away.
I've decided to abandon the house.

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