12 Celebrities That Were Caught With Hookers
Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 10:03 am
Sex is an important part of everyone's life. A celebrity is not an exception. Many celebs are known for their promiscuous lifestyle. They seek sexual pleasure in different forms, and they are not afraid of experimenting with their sexualities. When an ordinary person does that, no one cares, but when a Celebrity does, he/she becomes fodder for media. We have heard about many such celebrity sex scandals, didn't we? Many men visit hookers for One-night Stand, but if a celeb does that, he will find himself in the middle of a big controversy. A politician or policymaker may well lose their rank! Here are 12 celebrities who were caught doing nasty things with prostitutes!
1.Danny Bonaduce
Danny is an actor, radio DJ and wrestler oh and he was also found guilty of picking up a transvestite prostitute in 1991. He thought he was picking up a girl, but was also drunk so he ended up getting a bit more than he bargained for.

2.Marv Albert
When it comes to sportscasters then Marv really was a big name, but it turns out that in 1997 he was caught and charged with forced sodomy with a hooker. He also ended up biting her at least 15 times and apparently it is not the first time that he has done it either.

3.Eliot Spitzer
Ahh there is nothing we like to hear more than a good old politician caught up in a hooker scandal and this time it was the New York governor Eliot Spitzer. It turns out that he had used the services of a popular agency and it eventually led to him resigning out of shame.

Yep as a little twist, here is a female celebrity who was caught out hiring a male hooker. It turns out she hired him for a party in Miami, but got more than she bargained for, but at least it makes a change that it is not a guy.

Ok so Ne-Yo is quite popular, but his popularity took a bit of a dive in 2009 when he was caught with a transvestite hooker. He made things worse for himself by taking a photograph as well, so he could hardly dispute it.

6.Silvio Berlusconi
This ex Italian prime minister is pretty unusual in that he does not mind the fact that he has been caught with hookers. Instead, he is very open about it as if nothing is wrong even when they are still teenagers.

7.Eddie Murphy
Well this case with Eddie Murphy was certainly different because back in 1997 he was stopped by police driving around with a male transvestite pr0stitute in his car. Did he know they were a transvestite or was it as big a shock to him?

8.Jerry Springer
Jerry may have made his name with his TV show, but back in 1974 he was involved in politics and had to resign from his post on the city council in Cincinnati after admitting to hiring a prostitute. Looks like he could have done with his own TV show back then.

9.Alex Rodriguez
Alex has certainly found it relatively easy to get into trouble these days and it was revealed in 2013 that he had a whole host of hookers coming to his Manhattan apartment. At least we know what he was doing when getting over hip surgery.

10.Tiger Woods
Ah Tiger Woods with hookers all came out after his wife tried to hit him with a 3 wood after he was caught cheating. It turns out that he had a bit of a fascination with them and it is amazing that he had the energy to play golf.

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11.Hugh Grant
Hugh came a cropper when he was caught with a hooker in an alleyway in LA who was in the middle of performing an act on him. His mug shot is now an absolute classic and it is a miracle it has not been turned into a meme.

12.Charlie Sheen
This is not exactly a big shock to the system to discover that Charlie Sheen has been caught with a hooker. In actual fact with him it would not be a surprise if you heard he had been caught with a hooker that had one leg, was a dwarf, and neighed like a horse.

Read More: Why Charlie Sheen Left Donna Peele
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