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Greatest Shakespeare Plays

Friday, Aug 14, 2020, 9:48 am

1.King Lear

This play is classed as a tragedy and it focuses on King Lear and his descent into madness and how it affects everybody around him. It is very full on and is a kind of play where you really are left to think about what has just gone on, but perhaps that is a good thing? Do not watch this if you wish to be amused.

2.Twelfth Night

This is a great comedy play by Shakespeare and it has certainly always been one of the most popular ones to be performed. The only problem is that some of the comedy will perhaps be a bit lost on most people, but it is amazing how little it has dated for the majority of the play and this shows how good a writer he was.

3.Henry V

This play is pretty much full on and it does mean that you can hardly stop to draw breath when you are either reading it or watching it being performed. It is full of tension, fear, and it is certainly going to put you on the edge of your seat until it is all over.

4.Richard III

This play is pretty self-explanatory in that it focuses on the life of Richard III after he becomes King. There is a hint of madness about the story and it does try to show the apparent turmoil that he was in at various times, so this is a play that is a bit on the heavy side, but then that is something that may not actually bother you.

5.Julius Caesar

OK so maybe historical dramas are not something that will get you all excited, but there is no doubt that Julius Caesar could very well be the one thing that could change your mind. It is a great attempt at telling the story, but of course with the Shakespeare twist, and overall you should put your worries about history to one side and just focus on a brilliant play.

6.The Taming of the Shrew

This is another romantic comedy and it looks specifically at how difficult relationships can be between the sexes. Of course Shakespeare does this in a rather clever way just as you would expect him to do and overall this is quite a jovial jaunt through society that even though it was written hundreds of years ago you can still appreciate the moral of the story.

7.Much Ado About Nothing

Shakespeare was great at writing farce and this is the ultimate play within that genre. It is comical, it is laid back, and ultimately it really is so much fun that you cannot help but love every single minute you spend either reading the book, watching the play, or watching the movie.


8.A Midsummer Nights Dream

This is another love story by Shakespeare, but it is not as intense as Romeo and Juliet. Instead, the characters are a lot easier to agree with and you can really feel the things that they are going through, so if you just want to enjoy something about people loving each other, then this play is going to be suitable.


Hamlet is very traditional and indeed if there is only one play that you need to seriously consider checking out, then this is one that does deserve your full attention. The story is famous around the world, the role has been played by some massive names, and ultimately Hamlet is something that you cannot fail but love to watch.



When it comes to a classic play by Shakespeare, then Othello is certainly the one for the high brow amongst us. It is the type of play that will really pull you into the story as you become absorbed with the different characters, but do not expect too much humor in this story.

11.Romeo and Juliet

This has to be seen as the ultimate romance story because it has been used as a basis for a whole host of other plays and movies even if they do not directly link to it. You have to remember that it did exist before Leonardo diCaprio got his hands on the part.



Macbeth is an absolute classic play, but there is an alleged curse attached to it, but that just makes it even more appealing. It is dark, it is hectic, but the characters in the story are also fantastic and if you want to get into some gritty drama, then this is the one for you.


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